Chapter 4: So This Is Love

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(Sorry but this picture of Astral is way too cute)

Astral's POV:
"Yuma what are you reading?" I asked as I looked over his shoulder he was online last oking at something that read 'date spots' although I didn't know what that was. Yuma jumped and quickly closed down the window turning to face me,

"Astral! I thought you were inside the key with Stella?!" He shouted clearly surprised I tilted my head in confusion

"Yuma you do remember Stella saying that she was going to be with Tori for a little while right?" I said, this was true Stella had told us both this morning that Tori wanted to hang out with her for a little while.


"Yuma?" I questioned as he remained silent clearly he must have forgotten and was trying to remember,

"of course I remember jeez can't you take a joke?" He said exasperated I sighed and rubbed my temples he clearly forgot and was just saying that

"Observation number 17 Yuma is a terrible lier and has just as bad of a memory" I said with a sigh

"alright shut it Astral, look Caswell and Bronk said they wanted to see you today for a while, they said they would meet you outside heartland tower so go on. I have something I need to do with Shark and Kite today anyway" he said before turning back to his computer.

"Very well I suppose being around someone with actual brain cells for a while could be good for me" I said as I left the house with Yuma shouting behind me to shut up again. I made it to heartland tower and looked around the outside until I found Bronk and Caswell waving me over,

"so why did you want to see me?" I asked after I reached them they grinned and pointed a little ways in front of us, I looked in the direction that they were pointing and saw both Tori and Stella. Tori was fixing Stella's hair up into a poneytail then adding something that Stella handed her.

"Astral my friend you are going on a date today!" Bronk said before petting my back I looked to him confused I still didn't know what this 'date' thing was or how it works.

"Don't worry Astral we know you've forgotten how to date but remember Stella is still your girlfriend so you just have to act normal. Yuma thought that this might help you remember your relationship with Stella a little easier, so be yourself and have fun okay?" Caswell said I nodded then looked over to Stella and Tori,

Tori hugged Stella then walked away leaving Stella alone she looked somewhat nervous as she looked around. I could feel my heart in my chest it had started to beat faster was this nerves I was feeling?

"Go on Astral!" Bronk said as he and Caswell pushed on my back " you can't leave your lady waiting or she may feel unloved or unimportant to you" he said I nodded and stepped out from the corner of the building and moving over to where Stella was standing,

"hello Stella, are you um waiting for me?" I said my voice cracking slightly I moved my eyes from where they were looking in the sky down to her she was blushing a little and her eyes were on her hands. My heart sped up again then I noticed something sparkly catching my eye, I looked at her hair and noticed something there sparkling.

 My heart sped up again then I noticed something sparkly catching my eye, I looked at her hair and noticed something there sparkling

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"This hair piece..." I said gently touching it then something flashed in my mind the same hair piece in my hand as I fixed it in Stella's hair. "Wait I remember something I gave you this, I fixed it into your hair and you were smiling happily" I said with realization as I looked back down to her, she raised her eyes to they were looking into mines as she nodded,

"yeah it was on our very first date ever. I told you that you didn't need to get me anything because I was happy as long as I was with you but you insisted on getting me something pretty and practical something I could use all the time. And I do use it all the time to remind me of you" she said blushing again I smiled as the same scene flashed through my mind but this time I saw the whole date. Now I know what I have to do.

"I remember that day Stella, I remember how happy you were and how happy it made me to see your smile so I'm going to make this date even better and make you smile even more so, will you come with me?" I asked holding my hand out to her she smiled and nodded as she placed her hand in mines I smiled and entwined our fingers together, I felt something as I was holding her hand it was like a jolt of electricity as it send my heart hammering like a steam train I looked down to see her smiling as we walked...well floated in the direction of the park. It was enough to make me smile again,

"Astral?" She said as we walked

"yes Stella?" I replied she stopped and looked up to me her eyes having the slightest sparkle in them

"I'm glad you remembered even if that's all you can remember I'm so happy" she whispered as she moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist resting her head on my chest. She was so warm and her hug was so inviting I smiled and wrapped my arms around her holding her closer to me,

"I am too just seeing your smile warms my heart like I don't want to let you go....I see now this is what it means to be in love I remember this warm, fuzzy yet happy feeling. I love you Stella" I said she looked up to me then she smiled and buried her face back into my chest nuzzling me affectionately

"I love you too Astral, I've waited for so long to hear you say that again...don't ever leave me again please" she whispered then I realized she was crying but she was smiling too I guess people can cry when they are happy and its not just humans who do that.

"By the way Yuma was looking up date locations today, do you know what he was looking at them for?" I asked as I wiped away her tears and we started walking again she smirked a little and nodded,

"yup he wants yo ask Tori on a date, Cathie was a little mad about it at first but she came around so bow Cathie is helping Tori pick an outfit. And Shark and Kite are trying to calm Yuma down since he is panicking it was a rather funny expression to see on him" she said before giggling I thought about his expression whenever I mentioned Tori and I had to admit it was always funny to see.

"I see well, what do you want to do for today since we can do what we want, I mean no one can see us other than our friends" I said Stella thought before just leaning into my arm as we continued to walk

"I don't care what we do Astral as long as I'm with you it doesn't bother me" she said making me smile and blush a little "well if you want me to think of something to how about we go on that flying blimp thing, I heard from Tori that they are quite enjoyable and relaxing" I nodded and we headed over to the blimp.

(Short one ik but I have ideas coming up soon so don't worry)

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