Chapter 14: Star vs Stella

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(This is Vector's human form in case you didn't realize from the pic last chapter)

Stella's POV:
''...This place gives me the creeps, ugh what is with these chains. Don't worry Star I'm on my way, I will save you" I muttered as I walked through the creepy building. No one ever used this building anymore but the inside was still in tact only it was redecorated... Just the way that twisted Vector would.

"Vector! Show your face now! Come on you coward what are you so afraid of!?'' I shouted I knew he was here, I could feel his evil energy and it was coming from within this place and I knew for a fact that it wasn't one of his little clones,

''my, my, my Stella calling out so desperately to me, I'm right here'' Vectors voice said I looked in front of me to see him sitting up on a throne in his human form with that infuriating smirk on his face, I growled at him but that's when something caught my eye on the floor at the bottom of the stairs

''Star!'' I shouted floating over to her and lifting her into my arms ''Star are you okay please answer me'' I said Star opened her eyes but that's when I noticed that something was wrong, her eyes weren't their usual silver colour they red....deep red. My eyes widened and I quickly put distance between us before she could strike me

''hahahaha! How do you like my little pawn Stella?'' Vector said laughing I scowled up to him with my fists clenched

''what have you done to her Vector!'' I snarled but he just smirked and clicked his fingers.

''Oh nothing really, I just took advantage of the small piece of darkness in her heart and manipulated it until she snapped and fell under my spell, therefore under my control. She will do whatever it is that I bid her to do without question... hahahaha!'' Vector sneered before laughing again like the maniac he was

''nrg LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!'' I shouted making him flinch a little before smirking again,

''you want to break the spell I have cast on her you will have to win the dual'' Vector said I knew he was going to say that but I came prepared, I felt bad taking Yuma's deck without asking him directly but it was the only way hopefully he doesn't hate me too much for my actions. I readied my dual disk and entered my deck

''I knew you were going to say that you and me right here, right now!'' I said pointing up to him but he just laughed again before clicking his fingers again making Star stand to face me with her own deck and disk out

''who said I was going to be your opponent, no it will be far more entertaining to see you and your friend beat each other up, only I can see something in you, your not just here to rescue are you? No you want much for being pure of heart, Dark Star do my bidding and annihilate Stella in this dual!'' Vector shouted

''of course'' Star replied, I shook my head and glared at Vector again he was going to pay for this, but if this was the only way that I could save her then I would have to play his little game...for now but I had never duelled Star one on one the only time I got to even glimpse her strategy was when we tagged teamed with Mist and Astral but even then she was only supporting for the most part whilst Mist was attacking so I have no idea how strong she can really be, I had to be ready for anything,

''nrg alright fine I'll play your game Vector, now Lets dual!'' I shouted as the augmented reality field built its self around us, Vector smiled and relaxed back into his throne as if he was about to watch an action movie, this was it I will save Star no matter what.

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