Chapter 20: Safe Returns

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Imagine the pic above everyone is hugging Astral not just Yuma :) This pic is so cute though!

Stella's POV:
''He won......Yuma beat....Eliphas'' I breathed, I was still exhausted after giving Yuma my energy for that shining draw, Yuma walked over to the fallen Eliphas and extended a hand out to him

''I won, you have to keep your promise'' he said gently as he helped Eliphas off of the ground, Eliphas looked to him then smiled the first smile that I had ever seen on Eliphas

''I know do not worry I plan on keeping my promise'' he said as he extended a hand out towards where Astral and I were still laying, a bright light emitted from his palm and surrounded the two of us. When it faded I felt more awake I didn't feel as tired as I had a few moments ago, he then reached his hand in the direction of Shark and Rio breaking the chains binding the both of them. I noticed the black hole was gone from Astral's chest I lay my hand gently on his cheek and stroked it with my thumb and slowly his eyes opened.

''Mng.....Stella?'' Astral muttered as he sat up facing me, I tried to contain myself but my emotions were too strong I felt a strong sense of relief, happiness yet annoyance towards him tears spilled out the corner of my eyes. I reached my hand out to stroke his cheek again, I had to be sure that it was really Astral that he really was alive in front of me right now. He placed his hand on top of mines with a worried look in his hetrochromic eyes, ''Stella are you alright my love?'' he asked....that was it I cracked

''ASTRAL!'' I wailed before jumping into his arms and brining us both to the floor once again, I buried my face in his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around me enclosing me in his warm and gentle embrace ''ASTRAL YOU JERK! I WAS SO WORRIED! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING GOING NEAR VECTOR LIKE THAT! HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH BUT YET.......yet I can't help but feel so much love and relief that your not gone.....Astral!'' I shouted in rage before hiccupping and whispering the last part, I smashed my lips to his as my tears wet his face as well. After I pulled back I just remained silent and hugged into him.

''Stella... I'm sorry, I....I'm so sorry!'' he muttered before he began crying and hugging me closely to him ''I love you so much my angel, how could I have made such a mistake that would worry you as much as I did. I was just so angry that he had hurt you I wanted to make him pay that I was blind to the danger, but its alright I'm here now.... I'm here with you'' he said kissing my forehead

''I know.....I love you too, just don't do something that stupid ever again'' I giggled through my tears before wiping them away

''I wont but... where exactly are we?'' he asked with a smile that then turned into a confused look, I noticed Eliphas walk up behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder, Astral stood up with me and turned to face him, his confused look slowly turned to one of anger as he stared at our former guardian. '' were the one who exiled Stella, you almost got her killed!'' he shouted, I quickly pulled him back and hugged into his chest

''Astral its alright, please calm down'' I said he looked down to me then sighed but the look of enragement did not leave his features.

''Astral, it is true I was the one who banished Stella from here, Astral world and it was I who almost let you die from the Barians strike, I almost destroyed the love of your life and these humans... I mean your friends. I feel, like a massive idiot and I am sorry for everything I have done to you and Stella and for the way I treated and spoke to you in our dual Yuma, I was mistaken'' he said looking away from us I turned in surprise at his words did Eliphas just admit to being wrong?

''What?'' I heard Astral say from behind me he sounded surprised and Yuma, Shark and Rio all looked confused too

''yes I know, I was wrong about you Astral and I was wrong about your friends. Whilst it was true I never had the opportunity to get to know humans I was wrong to assume that humans were all tainted, evil creatures. I guess I was associating humans with the Barians because the Barians were humans once but that should have been no excuse. Yuma you have shown great courage, yet caring for Stella and Astral, no matter how bleak things looked in that dual you refused to give up because you refused to give up on your friends I admire that and I hope one day to exert that trait as well'' he said looking to Yuma

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