Chapter 12|Demon Breakout

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"Wow Cary, you only had like 10 minutes to draw that" I look at the pentagram in astonishment. She really is talented and I couldn't be happier for her when she got in to the Art Academy, too bad with everything going in she won't be able to actually attend.

"Thanks Sky" She smiles brightly at me.

"Well now to the awkward part, as you must have noticed there's only 5 spaces and there's 6 of us so someone will have to sit this one out" Magnus looks around the group and just as I'm about to offer Alec beets me to it.

"Everyone take you rightful places on the pentagram" Magnus commands and we all do as he says.

We all then join hands forming a circle.

"You should all know that the demon will require payment in exchange for Clary's memories."

"What kind of payment" Izzy wonders.

"We'll see" Magnus says before he starts chanting. Soon wind breaks out inside the circle and I'm finding it difficult to hold on to Jace and Magnus.

"The demon is among us, Do not break the circle" Magnus shouts over the wind just as a great grey cloud appears in front of us.

"You will each have to give up a memory of the ones you love the most in order to get Clary's memories back" Magnus explains looking in between all of us making sure that we understand and are okay with it.

It's Clary's turn first and obviously a hologram of her mum shows up, then it's Izzy's turn and a picture of Alec smiling from ear to ear shows up. I can't deny that he looks extremely attractive in it, especially since most of the time I see him frowning. Even now when he's softly smiling at his sister from the corner of the room I can't help but stare. Then it's Magnus' turn and a hologram of Camille shows up.

Magnus rolls his eyes showing his distaste of her while I am outraged. I obviously know that they had a thing back in the day but I still visibly stiffen. It's not sadness that I feel when I look at her now, its anger. I'm driven by anger due to the things she's done and the choices she's made. The worst thing is that she doesn't even care how many people she hurt or how many lives she's ruined but I am forced out of my day dream just as the demon starts looking through my mind for a memory of my loved one.

For a few seconds I merely stare at the demon but once I feel a memory being lifted out of me I panic. 

"No! Not that one, chose something else" I plead as I look at the hologram of Jack but all the monster does is sneer at me. I can see that the demon is enjoying my pain but all I can do is stare at the memory distraught.

It was the day Jack has asked me to be his girlfriend and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. We were good friends at the time and knew that we had feelings from each other since the day I kissed him in the foyer of our institute but that was the day where we escaped the friend-zone.

We were on the rooftop of the institute staring up at the starry Californian sky after a rather draining mission but instead of sleeping we wanted to spend time together. The rooftop was our special place, we would come up there whenever we wanted to be alone or when things at the institute got very complicated.

The hologram was of us kissing after I said yes and in that moment I was truly happy. My whole life consisted of hard work, danger and murders but whenever I was with him I was happy... well most of the time anyway. 

I can feel my whole body give up. I look at the memory longingly not wanting to lose something this personal as my hands start to get sweaty and tears threaten to spill. 

"Skylar do not break the circle" Magnus yells feeling my hands slipping and attempting to hold on tighter but I don't listen. I might be being selfish right now but that is the best memory I have of him and I'm not giving it up this easily. 

So I tear my hand away from Magnus and Jace before we all get thrown across the room by the force of the demon. I land on the corner of a table at the side of the room momentarily blancking out but once I gain back my consciousness I see Jace being tugged between the demon Izzy and Alec. 

"I can't contain it any longer" Magnus warns trying to send the demon back to hell.

"Clary help us!" Izzy pleads as I struggle to stand up. I then stumble towards Alec and Izzy and hold onto Jace's other arm while Clary tries to decide whether or not she should kill the demon.

"Clary if you kill the demon your memories will be lost forever" Magnus informs her just before she launches herself at it stabbing it through the heart.

We all drop to the floor while Jace's eyes close.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Alec questions kneeling down beside his parabatia.

"I don't know does he normally just lay like that without moving?" Magnus retorts with an awkward expression indicating he doesn't know how to handle the situation.

As I look around me with everyone concerned for Jace and Magnus awkwardly standing above them I can't help but feel guilty. Of course this is all my fault and if Jace dies right now they won't ever forgive me. Not even Clary, which would break my heart into a million pieces.  

I was always taught not to feel but I can't help it, since I got here all these emotions have been slowly making their way to the surface and I hate it. I just hope that Jace will be alright and just as I think that he takes a deep breath choking slightly sitting up.

"Oh thank god you're okay" Clary hugs Jace while Alec pats his back and Izzy sighs in relief.

As if Magnus can sense my guilt he slowly makes his way towards me "Its not your fault Sky" He tries to reassure me but I know that it is. I put them all in a lot of danger and for a shadowhunter like me that is unacceptable.

Once they're all finished with they're hugging they all turn to look at me as I'm staring at them hardly even blinking making sure that Jace really is alright. It's really not my place to hug him myself considering I have made it very clear that I'm not a fan of Jace. This has still effected me greatly tho. 

"I'm sorry" I apologise looking down at the floor to leave the room as they all stare at me. 

As soon as I enter the living room area I slump against the couch cushions putting my head in my hands.

This is all my fault, Jace nearly died back there because I couldn't face the reality two years ago. I need to realise that he's not coming back and that hiding behind this facade that I've put up is not gonna help me nor the people around me. It's time to finally move on.

Chapter 12!!! So I'm writing the next few chapters so I can update regularly but again as I keep saying I have exams and my updates won't be daily. Next week I'll go back to my daily routine and the chapters then will contain more action and I think I'll finally let Alec do something that will shock a few people. Until then bare with me.

Also I will be including my own scenes but let me know if there's particular ones you want me to make. I'll try my best to include them. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and a big thanks to everyone who votes because it makes my heart flutter every time I see people voting, no joke.

Oh and one more thing. I do read other Alec fanfics so if you notice the plot somehow merging with another book please let me know cause the last thing I want to do is steal other people's stories. I already have a few ideas on where this story is going tho if some particular thing seems similar it is purely coincidental. 

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