Chapter 14

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The weekend goes by very quickly. I finally get my car back on Friday, which I needed desperately in order to prepare for the job on Saturday. The event went by without a hitch and I even received an offer for an event on Sunday and a birthday the following Tuesday.

Collin called me every night when he finished filming, but he would usually be going to another interview or promotional event, so we weren't able to talk much until later in the evening. By that time, I was pretty exhausted and would lay in bed while we talked. I even fell asleep on Sunday with the phone cushioned between my ear and the pillow. I sent a text to Collin the next morning apologizing, but he responded that he liked falling asleep with me. I, of course, blushed profusely, but was secretly thrilled that he thought of it that way and not because I fell asleep from boredom.

By Wednesday, I had two more gigs booked for the weekend and felt guilty I hadn't been able to spend any time with Collin or set up another date. Not that he had much time for me either, with his filming going later every night and the interviews they would book to promote the movie, but I was glad he at least tried to call me every day. He usually called at night once he was on his way back to his hotel, so I was surprised when my phone started ringing Wednesday morning and his name popped up on the screen.


"Olivia, hey, it's Collin."

I laugh and shake my head. He starts every conversation like this. Ever since the first time we texted where I pretended not to know who he was, he makes it a joke of telling me his name in case I've forgotten.

"Hey, Collin. Shouldn't you be at the filming site?" It's a little past ten o'clock and I have a couple of interviews at eleven for an assistant. I'm setting up some ingredients to see what they can do, while I hold the phone against my shoulder.

"I'm there right now, but I have a question for you that can't wait until tonight."

"Okay," I say, intrigued. "What's up?"

"Well, the production company is hosting a fundraiser next month and I would like you to be my date."

He says it like a statement, where I have no room to decline. "What kind of fundraiser?"

"It's a dinner. Everyone pays an exuberant amount for each plate and the money gets donated to a local charity. It's a way for the company to promote the film while getting some good PR in." From the tone of his voice, he sounds like he's been to these before, but doesn't enjoy them very much. The only event I attended where they had nice food, was a wedding my cousin invited us to. Even then, the wedding took place in her parent's back yard, so we didn't have to dress too formally.

The thought gives me another idea. "So if the plates are expensive, I'm assuming this will be a formal dinner."

"Yes. Is that a problem?" he asks, hesitantly.

"No," I answer and I think I hear him sigh over the phone. "I was only thinking about what I needed to wear." I would have to call Sasha so she could go to the store with me to find something more appropriate for the occasion. Butterflies start to flit around my stomach as I envision what an event like this will be like. Not only will the venue and the food be amazing, but I will be surrounded by Detroit's elite members. Celebrities and moguls of every kind attend these types of events. I suddenly wonder if I should update my business cards. Right now they were pretty plain and maybe I could spend some of the money that's been coming in on updating them.

"Olivia?" I realize Collin has been speaking to me the whole time I've been thinking about how this will better my career. The event is for him and I silently berate myself for my selfishness.

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