Chapter 24

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I wake up feeling euphoric. Collin is snuggled up behind me with his arms enfolding me, so I feel warm and safe. I lay there a minute, soaking up the moment when I suddenly realize something woke me up.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Ugh, why do people always have to bother me while I'm in bed. I try to turn over to wake Collin, but he groans and pulls me closer. I smile, but when the knocking doesn't stop, I gently pinch his arm. Collin startles and growls. 

I laugh. "Did you just growl at me?" 

He nods his head and nuzzles further into my hair, inhaling deeply.

"Collin, there's someone at the door." 

He feigns snoring and I laugh again. I love seeing this side of him and hate to interrupt his playfulness, but whoever is at the door is being persistent. 

“Collin,” I try again. 

He sighs and pushes the covers back. "Okay, but don't move a muscle. I plan to keep you in my bed all day." I shiver in anticipation as he sends a wolfish grin at me before pulling on some shorts and sauntering through the bedroom doors to the living room. I groan in appreciation. He knows exactly what seeing that butt sway does to me. 

He opens the front door and Carl rushes in. I quickly cover myself up as he starts speaking urgently to Collin. He stops abruptly when he sees me and, with a scowl on his face, closes the double doors with a slam.

I hear some furious shouting, but can't make out what they're saying. I throw on a bath robe from the closet and tiptoe to the doors to put my ear against the door hoping to eavesdrop.

The doors are suddenly wrenched open to Collin whose face is going from angry to panicked so quickly I can't tell which is the more dominate expression. Determination finally sets in and he runs to throw on some clothes. 

"Collin, what's wrong?" I ask, the knot in my stomach growing. 

He startles at the sound of my voice, almost as if he forgot I was there. With only one shoe on, he rushes over to me and takes me by the shoulders.

"Olivia, I need you to stay here. Something has come up at the studio and I have to take care of the situation as soon as possible." There’s fear in his eyes and I can only swallow and nod. 

"Thank you.” He kisses me deeply, crushing me tight against his body, so I don't know where I end and he begins. "I won't be long." He pulls away quickly to finish getting dressed. Within seconds he and Carl are racing out the door, leaving me in a state of bewilderment. 

I don't know what's going on, but I trust Collin and can only hope that whatever Carl’s new was, he will take care of it then come back and tell me. There's a place in the back of my mind that is screaming at me to investigate, but we've come too far for me to distrust him now. I will have to stay here, order some room service, and hope that whatever is happening doesn't have anything to do with us. Or, with Mindy, my mind helpfully adds. 

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