Chapter 18

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A week goes by before I see Collin again and I have invited him to my apartment so we can have a nice, quiet dinner where I can seduce him completely. We still talk to each other over the phone and even have some steamy sexual conversations, but I always hang up the phone feeling more in need of him than when we started. So, I decide that tonight would be the night and he better be ready. 

I prepare everything perfectly. I make spaghetti from scratch and pair the pasta with fresh garlic bread and a nice red wine. I also made his favorite dessert, turtle cheesecake.

Everything is set up and I’m waiting anxiously on the couch when a knock sounds. I jump up excitedly and rush to the door, smoothing over my hair and skirt before opening it to see Collin looking like he stepped out of a GQ magazine.  His hair is slicked back and he’s wearing a blue collared shirt that makes his eyes appear even brighter and more like the sky on a clear summer day. 

"Olivia. You look stunning,” he compliments huskily, taking in my tight white v-neck shirt and short red skirt.

"You don’t look too bad yourself, handsome,” I reply on an exhale of air and open the door to allow him entrance. He pulls me into his body once he crosses the threshold and takes my mouth into a deep kiss, complete with tongue and lip biting. Once he feels he has said hello to me properly, he releases me to move into the kitchen and grab a glass of wine. I stand there a moment to regain my composure and with the way he’s walking, I know he isn't as unaffected as he’s trying to appear. He tries to adjust himself casually as he saunters around the island in my kitchen and gives me a smoldering look. 

"It smells delicious in here. What are we having?" he asks. His dark gaze raking me from head to toe and I feel it like a caress.

“Spaghetti.” I’m almost breathless with anticipation.. The energy has suddenly skyrocketed in the room and I don't know that I'll be able to wait long enough to eat dinner before the need for him becomes overwhelming. 

"Shall we eat, then?" he asks suggestively, certainly not talking about food as his eyes consume me. 

“Sure," I answer and before I can even move he sets down his glass and is in front of me in two strides, enfolding me in his arms and taking my mouth under his. 

He licks and teases my lips demanding that I open to him. I comply quickly so our tongues can do their usual dance. His hands start making their way over my body, cupping my bottom to lift me until I wrap my legs around him. He walks us over to the couch and sets me down so he’s able to stretch atop me. 

“We'll start here,” he growls and pulls my shirt over my head. All of my seduction plans go out the window, but I couldn't care less. Not when he’s biting and sucking at my nipples through my bra. 

I decide I need to feel his skin against me, so I pull on his shirt in silent demand. He pushes himself up so he can take it off, then brings himself back down and the instant his skin touches mine, I suck in a breath at how wonderful he feels against me. I instantly start tingling everywhere his skin is in contact with mine and the only thing I know is that I want more. More of his skin, more of his mouth, just more!

His hands skate down my sides and reach between us to slowly move up the inside of my skirt and over my panties. I'm about to tell him to rip them off when a knock sounds on my door. I groan and wonder how this can possibly be happening. Every time we're about to do something, someone interrupts us. It's like the universe is against us and is doing everything to stop us. 

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