Chapter 26

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"Livie?" my mother calls from her kitchen.

“Hi, Mom!" I call back as Sam helps me bring in the desserts. It's Thanksgiving and a whole month since I've seen Collin. He hasn't called, but has sent me random flowers and cards that keep telling me to wait for him, which I would have done anyway. I haven't spent my time pining over him, although I do think about him constantly, but rather building my business and resume so when I move to California, I will have what I need to build a successful store. I know I'm probably being a little too presumptuous, but Collin is my future and as far as I know that entails me moving to California. So, when he calls me, I’m going to be ready. 

I even told the realtor I wasn't interested in the store, but I did know someone who might be. Chris may not be ready to open the store by himself, but after I offered to help him get the shop started and called a couple of other people I knew to help him, he was more than ready to take on the challenge. Since then, the store has been doing great and with the holidays coming up, I know he will bring in lots of profits. I was a little sad letting the business here go, but I didn't need something like that tying me down, when I knew where my future lay.

After seeing Collin that night on stage, there was no doubt in my mind I’d forgiven him and would do anything to be with him again. I told him the truth when I said I couldn't be with him if he was married, but I wanted him to know I was willing to give us a second chance, if he was. The dozen red roses showing up the next day at my apartment with a very romantic note was a good indication he was more than ready. 

Now, I’m at my mother's apartment, with my brother in tow. I’m single, but hopeful.

We walk into the kitchen and my mother’s mouth instantly drops open upon seeing us. The spoon she’s holding, slips through her fingers to bounce on the floor, splattering food everywhere. I hadn't told her Sam would be coming today, mainly because I didn't know how she would react. They’d spoken a couple of times since he left, but not enough to mend any bridges. I convinced him to come last week, saying he owed me for getting him out of the tough situation he was in. One that almost got him killed. He'd reluctantly agreed and drove to my apartment last night.

I got him up to speed on everything that happened with Collin. Sam called me a week or so after the column came out, outraged on my behalf and offering to kick Collin's ass. I understood he was trying to be the tough older brother, but I think I handled the situation pretty well and now it was up to Collin where we went from here.

I’m in a similar state of shock when I look in the dining room and see my mother's boss, David, setting the table. 

"Uh, Mom?" I ask, looking wide-eyed between her and David who also appears to appreciate how awkward this is. He is standing there, with the plates in his hands halfway to the table, in a state of immobility.

My Mom shakes herself out of her shock and glances back at David in surprise, like she forgot he was there. "Oh, yes. Honey you remember my boss, David Stenson. David you've met my daughter, Olivia, and this is my son, Sam." She chokes a little on Sam's name and quickly covers her mouth with her hand.

Sam, misjudging why she is upset, whispers to me, "I knew this wouldn't be a good idea. I think I'll just go." He raises his voice to David. "It was good to meet you." And starts backing up towards the door.

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