Chapter 20

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Over two hours later, the boys finally come back and assure us everything is taken care of. My brother verified with the dealer the money was received and then told him he wouldn't be buying anymore, which I hope is true. While they’re gone, Sasha and I pack an overnight bag and promise each other we would spill all the details over what transpires tonight when we meet up for lunch tomorrow. 

I also call Chris while we’re waiting and tell him I wouldn't be here today or most of tomorrow, so he could have them off. We have a birthday cake due for Thursday and an event Friday morning, but we can get most of that done on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, so I didn't think it would set us back too much to take off a couple of days. I want to be able to spend as much time with Collin as possible and decide I deserve a break.

John is pulling away from the apartment, when I realize something. "Collin, what about your sister? Isn't she staying in your hotel suite with you?" I didn't mind hanging out with his sister, but if we were going to take this relationship to the next level, I didn't want his sister sitting in the next room, listening. 

He smiles like he knows exactly what I’m thinking and casually strokes my hand he's holding in his lap. "We aren't going to be staying at the Townsend. I rented a suite in another hotel. I didn't want the paparazzi getting wind of any of this and blowing it out of proportion.”

For a moment I’m relieved we won't have to deal with any reporters, but then a thought unwillingly pops into my head. Maybe he’s switching hotels because he doesn't want to be seen with me. Collin Harper hooking up with the locals would certainly be a hot story. 

He must sense something’s wrong, because he squeezes my hand gently, causing me to look up at him from my staring contest with the floor. "What's wrong?" He asks. 

I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to communicate my fears with him. 

"Tell me,” he prompts, gently, but firmly. 

"It's silly and I know it's not true, but I was wondering if you weren’t switching hotels because you didn't want people to know we were together." 

"Of course not!" His face is appalled. "Since we haven't been seen together before, other than the dinner a couple of weeks ago, I didn't want them getting the idea you were some kind of fling I'm having while I'm here. I actually want to tell them Saturday at the fundraiser. That way, it's on my own terms and they'll know we’re exclusively dating. They won’t be able to invent their own story or make our relationship into something less." 

He leans forward and looks earnestly into my eyes. "I love you, Olivia. I want to stand beside you and tell the whole world that you're mine, but not because they photographed us spending the night together in the hotel. I want a place where I can hold you closely next to me and proudly claim you." He smiles warmly and gently kisses my lips, a sigh breaking through my mouth at his confession. 

"I love you too, Collin and thank you. I'm even more excited for the fundraiser, now that I know the implications. Everyone will know that you are taken, and taken by me." I smile broadly thinking of Mindy and how pissed she’ll be at seeing us together, officially. 

John pulls up to one of the other nicer hotels in the city and a valet grabs our bags and leads us in. The entry way is more modern than the Townsend, but no less immaculate in it's furnishings and decor. 

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