Chapter 21

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Monday morning I am awakened by light streaming into my face and soft fingers gently stroking my back. I open my eyes and smile as I see Collin laying on his side, staring at me, love evident in his expression. 

"Good morning,” he murmurs in a low growl. 

"Good morning. How long have you been watching me?" 

"Not long enough,” he replies and I find myself falling in love with him even more. He always knows how to make me feel like I'm the most special person in his world. 

"What time is it?" Both of us are not speaking above a whisper, trying not the break the sensations and feelings of the last few hours. 

"A little after nine." His hand continues his light touching of my side and back so I shiver in response. 

I sigh and realize I'm going to have to leave soon. I gave Chris the day off, but there were still some things I needed to do and Collin had to get to the studio. We couldn't be lucky enough to think they would give him two days off. 

I move to get up, but Collin's hand on my side stops me. I lay back down as I watch his face and the worried expression currently shadowing his features. A knot of tension takes root in my stomach, fearful of what he might be thinking. 

"Collin, what is it?" I brush my fingers over his cheeks and rub my thumb over the lines between his brows. 

"I need to tell you something,” he begins, then more thoughts flicker across his face.

“Ok," I prompt, feeling more worried every minute he delays.

"It's about Mindy." My body suddenly freezes. No way was he bringing her into this moment.

"No. Whatever it is, tell me later. We're not bringing her into this." I pull back the covers and get out of bed, his hand not stopping me this time. 

"Olivia, it's important,” Collin pleads, following me. 

I spin around and face him with arms crossed. "Okay. Fine. What’s so important that you had to ruin a perfectly good morning by bringing her up?" 

I stand there waiting, as his eyes dart in every direction and I realize he can't even look me in the eye. This must be bad.

After a few moments of him not saying anything, I figure the worst. "She really isn't over you, is she? She made a pass at you. The other night you really did have sex, didn't you?" I grate, unable to stop the burning sensation in my chest. 

"No, of course not!" His eyes go wide and he rushes forward to grab my arms. "It's nothing like that. I'm with you now and no one else." He assures me, his face open and honest, but there's still a shadow of doubt or worry behind his eyes.

"Then, what is it? Why would you bring her up now?" I scan his face looking for an answer he's still not giving.

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