"I don't care if you want to take care of this baby or not, I'm keeping it."
In which Logan Kade and Matthew Daddario slept together once one month ago, and he didn't know how to react to the outcome.
Logan was braiding her hair and watching Strange Things for the eleventy-twelfth time when Matthew ran into the condo she was renting with a goofy look on his face and a plastic bag in his hand.
"Logan! I saw this really cool thing and you have to see it, it's awesome," he said excitedly and handed her the bag. He sat down next to her on the couch and looked at her with a look on his face that kind of reminded her of an excited little kid. "I was on my way here and I went through a mall and I saw this and just, I had to buy it, you know?"
Lo looked at him suspiciously and smiled before opening the bag and taking the object out of it. Her whole face kind of softened as she looked at the piece of fabric, eyes watering before she clutched it tight to her chest.
"I love it, it's perfect," she whispered and kissed his cheek. "It's amazing."
"I want our baby to have it, you know? Because even if I might not be there, that's kind of a part of me," he said and shrugged, a small smile on his face. "Also, what's with the leather jacket on the chair? You don't like leather jackets."
"My sister is in town, she'll probably yell at you later," Logan said and smiled before resting her hands on her bump and her head on his shoulder. "Watch Stranger Things with me, I'm on the scene with the human anatomy quote."
Matt had no idea what that meant, but he just smiled and leaned his head on hers. And if his hand was holding hers and resting on her belly later on, then nobody had to know.
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@misslogankade: for small baby grape, i can't wait for you to arrive