The Darkest Road {Supernatural: Book Two}

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          Prologue: Part One


     Chaos was the only word that could even begin to describe what my life had become. It was becoming exceedingly difficult to remember who I was and what my purpose for being here was.

     So much had happened in what seemed like so little time.

     Shortly after John declared me a member of the Winchester clan, he shared his research of 20 years with Sam and Dean. He explained the trail we'd been following and the telltale signs that pointed us on the right direction. There were signs starting again in Salvation, Iowa and we immediately departed, intent on saving another family from the same pain and loss suffered by the Winchesters.

      On the road, we received news that Pastor Jim Murphy, a friend of John's, had been murdered. It was then that we really felt the pressure to hurry, to find the next family on the demon's list.

     As Sam and I were leaving the medical center from reviewing birth records, he had a vision of the demon's next target. Following the signs in his vision, we met w young mother named Monica and her daughter, Rosie. Unable to warn her, we returned to Dean and John. John was absolutely furious, especially with me, that we hadn’t told him before about Sam’s visions. It was his fault for being so unresponsive, and I refused to let him blame us.

     As if matters weren't bad enough, we got a call from Meg, who I thought I killed— that was when it dawned on me that Meg wasn't a witch or a human; she was a demon. At hearing her voice, a dormant Oz resurfaced, completely pissed off that she was still breathing air. It was hard to keep hidden from the boys. Meg admitted that she was the one who murdered Jim Murphy and she was with another friend, Caleb. She wanted The Colt.

     John desperately played dumb, and Meg's response was to promptly kill Caleb. She very coldly said she would keep killing all his friends until he handed over the Colt. Capitulating, John agreed to meet her in Lincoln at midnight for the trade, on the condition I was not allowed to be there.

     Since Meg had never seen the real Colt, we formulated the idea to provide her with a fake one. I remember feeling terrified that he was going to act recklessly without us there to make him do otherwise. While John went to confront Meg, the boys and I stood watch over Monica and her family.

     It was a stroke of luck that we'd been watching the house while we were. The demon showed up for Rosie— a demon that I realized I knew. Yellow eyes, or as I knew him, Azazel. We ended up using a bullet out of The Colt, but it was a missed target, and he got away.

     Meg captured John, and to our atrocity, she promised that we would never see him again.

      It was bittersweet when we finally saw Bobby— I was glad to finally see him again, but the reason we needed him was certainly nothing to celebrate.

     After hours of research and discussion, Meg unforseenly kicked in the door, and after a violent altercation, demanded the Colt. She was no match for the devil's trap that was painted on the ceiling.

     We were able to exorcise the demon, and the human girl who had been trapped inside gave us a clue to find John. When we finally did find him, he was barely coherent, but he managed to ask about the Colt (yeah, see where his priorities are).

     Later on, it became apparent that John was possessed by none other than Azazel. The Demon injured both boys, and pinned me to a wall by my throat. He mocked Sam's 'unreliable' special powers, and also mentioned that Sam was about to propose to Jessica— he probably brought this up knowing my deep affection for Sam, and was trying to provoke Oz.

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