Chapter 2

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"Seriously guys? In school! You cant full me I know your make out faces." Pea says sternly

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Im trying to decide if thats creepy, impressive, or a sign that we make out alot." I say thoughtfully

"Well considering that we know we make out alot you can just rule that one out, as for the impressive or creepy Im gonna go with creepy, no offense Pea, but it kinda is." Scar says, wrapping her arms around me from behind

"Yeah and also how do you know our make out faces?" I ask, arching an eyebrow at her

"A true magician never reveals their secrets." She says seriously

I rolled my eyes, ready to push the subject, then I decided that I really didnt want to know.

"You know what. I really do not want, nor need, to know." I say

"Thats the second best idea you've ever had." Scar says, kissing my cheek

Pea nods.

"Thats our wise alpha for ya." Pea says

I rolled my eyes again then raised my arm up to run my fingers through my hair, but when I do a sharp pains shoots through it and I realize I just raised my bad arm.

"Ow! Shouldnt have done that." I say cradling my arm

Pea looks at confused.

"What happened?" She asks worriedly, looking at my bruised arm

"Tessy grabbed it while me and Scar were making out in the hallway this morning and when she did my reflexes kicked in so I yanked my arm back, but she was holding it tighter than I thought and it popped out of place. Scar popped it back into place immediatly afterwards." I explained

Peas eyes changed from light brown to orange, the color of her wolfs eyes, while her posture became defensive.

"She hurt my alpha, Ill hurt her." Pea growls

I put my hand on her shoulder and shook my head firmly.

"No. Shes not worth it, plus I dont want her to know the we know shes a huntress yet." I say seriously

A shiver runs through her body, and for a split second, I think shes gonna shift, but instead her eyes go back to being light brown while her body relaxes. Two class periods later were walking into lionesses den AKA Tessys class. I take my usual seat in the back between Pea and Scar while avoiding all eye contacy with the woman as she passes out the copies of Romeo and Juliet. Of course when she gets to me, instead of dropping it on my desk, she makes me grab it from her, causing our fingers to touch for half a second. I saw Scars fist clench ever so slightly beside me in anger. Tessy did most of the reading while accasionally calling for volunteers to read or to act out certain parts of the play. We make it a point not to volunteer whats so ever then we get to a kissing between Romeo and Juliet, when a volunteer is called for this time everyone except us raises their hands, begging for a chance to kiss the woman. I didnt notice until too late that her eyes had landed on me, completely ignoring the more eager students.

"Hayley, come up here please." She says in a tone that holds no room for an argument

I very relunctantly went up there and began reading with her, I was Juliet and she was Romeo. All too soon she leant in and kissed me firmly on the lips, grabbing the sides of my face in the process to hold me still. I saw Scar jump up in anger and Pea rush to grab her hand, telling her not to go crazy in a whisper so low that only me and Scar could hear. As the kiss grew longer I began praying to every known and unknown God to get this woman off me.

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