Chapter 11

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I woke to someone shaking me very hard, which turns out to be Pea.

"This better be important." I grumble, snuggling closer to Scar

"Unless you consider your daughters first shift as unimportant then, yes, this is important." Pea says casually

I shot up out of bed, throwing the comforter off me, and quickly changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What time is it?" I ask while pulling my hair up

"Ten thirty." Scar says, getting up as well

"You remember what to do?" I ask quickly, looking at Pea

"Ayden is taking Lilly to the field now. Devin and Chris are getting blankets for her to lay on afterwards." Pea says

"Okay. Grab some food and head there. How close is she?" I ask, grabbing my B-cigs and shoes

"Fever spiked real bad, her canines are sharpening quickly, so I'd say she only has an hour at most." Pea says, running out to do as I said

"Alright. Scar when she first shifts you can not be there so stay near the edge until I howl for you. She's gonna be scared at first and seeing a vamp will only cause her to freak out more." I say standing up

Scar grabs my arm before I can open the door, eyes full of worry.

"What about you? Your a hybrid." She says

"The wolf in me will be more prominent since that's what I fully was before. Yes, it causes my scent to smell slightly different, but that won't matter. Hope can't be there until you can either. Too risky at first." I say firmly

Scar nods and reluctantly let's go.

"Just please be careful. All of you." Scar says kissing me once

I nod then head out using Peas scent to easily find the clearing we'd set up specifically for this. They had Lillyanna on a blanket with another wrapped around her small frame. I could see the poor girl shaking from her fever.

"Momma!" She cries out, reaching for me

"Shh, it's okay cub. Just a few more minutes then it'll be over." I say soothingly, holding her in my lap

"I'm scared, what if something happens?" She asks softly, eyes flashing again

I stroke her long hair soothingly and kiss her forehead.

"Everything will be just fine." I say calmly

Her eyes scan the clearing as they began to really change from blue to a dark green.

"Where's mommy?" She asks

"Right behind those trees, her and aunt Hope, they can't be here at first." I say

"Oh. But they'll come afterwards right? I promised aunt Hope she could see me fully transformed." She says, sitting up a little as the transformation begins to get less painful and speed up

I smile and stand up, pulling her with me.

"Neither of them would dream of being anywhere else sweetheart." I say

She smiles then tilts her head slightly as though listening for something.

"I can hear them. Mommy is running with aunt Hope on her back." She says

"That's right, now focus cub. Your wolf is almost ready to come out." I say, getting her attention back

"Ok. It's so hard to focus because I can hear and smell everything." She says

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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