Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with Lillyanna beside me, her head on my shoulder, and my head still on Scars chest, except now her arms werent around me. As carefully as possible I moved Lillyannas head off my shoulder and on to the pillow beside us then I slowly lifted my head off Scars chest so I could get up and take a shower. Just when I thought I was in the clear Scars arms came up and wrapped around me like a vice, securing me to her chest.

"No, stay." Scar mumbles in her sleep

I sighed.

"Scar I gotta get up." I say, trying to carefully wiggle out of her grip to no avail

"No, I want my Hayleybear to stay." She mumbles holding me tighter

I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Ok, then Ill stay. Just let me take Lillyanna back to her room so we dont wake her up when we actaully do get up." I say

"Fine. But you better come back." She grumbles, relunctantly letting go of me

I giggled as quietly as possible, knowing full well that this was all in her sleep and that she wouldnt remember most of this conversation when she finally does wake up. I picked Lillyanna up bridal style and carried her to back to Hopes old room then tucked her in carefully and walked back to my room. Almost instantly Scar held her arms out for me when I came back in and I gladly layed back in them, drifting back to sleep in the process. Thirty minutes later, I wake up again to see Scar awake, smiling at me.

"Good morning love." I say, smiling back at her

"Good mornining beautiful. Sleep well?" Scar asks, kissing my cheek

"Yeah I slept great, even after a certain someone decided to hold me hostage in bed instead of letting me get up to take a shower earlier." I say jokingly

"I cant control what I do in my sleep, besides Im sure you werent complaining. You love it when I hold you hostage." She says pointedly

"Good point. Still though you barely let me take Lillyanna back to her room so we wouldnt wake her up when we actaully got up." I say

Scar smirks at me.

"I think your gonna be kept hostage a little longer." She says suggestively, dragging her finger down my thigh

"If you insist. Maybe Ill even be a good hostage and cooperate with you." I say winking at her

"I know you will, my sweet, but even if you didnt Id still keep you. Someone as deliciously beautifull as you deserves to be pleased the right way." She purrs, her fingers dancing across the hem of my shorts

"Hmmm....well then, Im in no possition to argue with that now am I." I say, pushing myself closer to her

The smirk that graced her face would have made the cheshire cat proud as she slips two fingers inside of me. I moaned as she began to thrust in and out.

"You like that dont you?" She purrs, leaning down and kissing my neck then licking my earlobe

"Yes." I say breathlessly

It didnt take very long for me to begin teetering on the edge as her fingers slipped in and out of me at a sinfully fast pace while her other hand went up to my chest and her mouth did sinful things to my neck and lips.

"I love you so much." She whispers as I fall into oblivion of sweet paradise

"Oh. My. Godsh. You are way to amazing at that." I say, panting slightly

She smiles and pulls me close.

"You say that alot." Scar says jokingly

"Well its true! I swear Im going to spontaneously combust one of these days because of it." I say smiling at her

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