Chapter 7

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I walked into the dance studio with my head down, heading straight to the locker room so I could change into my outfit. Soon after I was done, the rest of the team had shown up, and I could hear Tessy walking around in the studio. Finally, I left and went into the studio to my captain's binder so I would know what routines we were supposed to practice today. Humming a random song, I flipped through the binder until I started to get the feeling someone was watching me. I was pretty sure it was Tessy so of course I ignored her. Practice went smoothly, we practiced the group routine twice then I let them practice their solos, even though Myers wasn't here. At the usual time they went to change back into their normal clothes while I stayed out here and got the spare key out of it's hiding place. Locking up meant that me and whoever was teaching/subbing had to be the very last people out of here. Which means I was gonna be alone with Tessy. Fuck. All to soon the bell had rang and the team was out the door. I started humming again as pushed the button that raised the Areial silk, trying to prolong the inevitable. That lasted all of five minutes before Tessy decided to finally break the silence.

"I find it interesting how we seem to always find ourselves alone in a room with each other. It's almost like fate, wouldn't you say gorgeous?" Tessy asks, practically wrapping herself around my body from behind

I squirmed, hoping she'd let me go, course that would have been way to easy.

"More like unfortunate." I growled, feeling a huge amount of annoyance

"It's unfortunate that we don't have a bed in here and a real shame your uniform will get all dirty on this cold hard floor." She whispers seductively

I growled slightly, not liking where this was going.

"Not gonna happen. I've got things to do that don't involve a bed or the floor. As a matter of fact it doesn't involve you either." I say, managing to get her off me

Tessy turns me around when I try to walk away and pins me against the wall that I had forgotten was beside me.

"Oh well I guess that's too bad then, your gonna have to cancel all those plans. Because by the time I'm done with you, you won't ever want to leave my side." She says

"Too late I already want to leave your side." I say, acidly

Tessy chuckles lightly.

"I love your since of humor." She says, a small smile pulling at the edge of her mouth

Groaning, I leaned my head back against the wall in frustration.

"I promise I was completely serious." I deadpanned

"Then that would make two of us sweet cheeks." She says, reaching around and touching my butt

"If that hand doesn't leave its current spot you will loose it." I say, glaring at her

Tessy smirks.

"Oh is that a threat or a promise?" She asks then tries to kiss me

I turned my head away so that her lips land on my cheek instead of my lips.

"Oh it's definetly a promise at this point." I seethed

"You taste so sweet." She whispers, kissing down my jawline

"Pea was right, your Satan." I say, trying to move away from her

"If by that you mean I'm hot as hell than thanks." Tessy says, continuing her minustrations like it was nothing

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now get off me!" I yelled, trying to push her off again

"But sleeping with you helps me sleep at night." She says softly, her tone suggesting she was reliving a memory

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