Chapter 8

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I manage to break free long enough to grab a small black velvet box from a secret compartment in my bedside table.

"So I bought this ring a couple years ago, maybe a year or two after we met, originally I was going to give it to you on our three year anniversary. Then I thought about it and decided to wait until I proposed." I say, opening the box

Scar gasps and covers her mouth in shock, tears of joy pulling her beautiful eyes. The ring is silver with a slim band, small diamonds on the sides, and a blue diamond in the center that matches her eyes (An: picture of ring at the top).

"Oh Hayley, it's so beautiful." She says in a slightly muffled voice

I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Scarlette Elaine Rose I have loved you since the very first moment I saw you and have only fallen in love with you more as each day has passed, will you do me the extreme honor of becoming my wife?" I ask softly

"Yes, of course I will." She says, tears streaming down her cheeks

Carefully taking the ring out of the box, I grabbed her left hand, and placed it on her ring finger.

"Perfect fit." I say

"I love you." Scar whispers, kissing me

Tessys POV

After the incident with my mate I ran to the teachers private bathroom a few feet away to wash the blood off my face. I couldn't believe that just happened, never once have I bled in front of Hayley, I've always been super careful around her. This was all that blonde bitches fault if she hadn't have come in and interrupted us then I would have my Hayley back. Scowling, I turned the tap on and started cleaning myself up. My temper was beginning to rise so immediately I closed my eyes, took deep breathes, and tried to think of anything but Hayley until I calmed down. Of course that only caused me to think about the first time I ever saw her again, her first day of high school, three years ago.


It was the start of the new year and I was helping the other teachers usher the new freshmen into the auditorium for their assembly. Any student that passed by me would openly stare until I flashed them my signature smirk then they would duck their heads and blush profusely. Just as I was gonna ask one of the other teachers a question I spotted a girl leaning up against the far wall, waiting for someone, looking down at her phone. Her dark brown hair was pulled over to one side concealing her face from my line of sight. There was vague since of familarity in the way that she held herself, almost as though I'd seen her before, and when she looked up I understood why. It was Hayley, the girl I thought I would never see again, looking just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. Without any regard to the fact that I knew she wouldn't remember me, I walked straight up to her.

"Hayley." I say softly

She looks at me with a confused expression and on complete impulse, I kissed her. It took a couple seconds for her to react, but when she did, I was pushed away.

"What are you doing?!" Hayley shouts

I faltered for a few seconds then regained my composure.

"Oh sorry I thought you were someone else but with how cute you are I think I'm okay with being wrong." I say, smirking

"Uhh thanks? But I dont think teachers are supposed to flirt with students also I have a girlfriend." She says, looking very confused

My face fell for a couple seconds before smiling.

"I can't help it when your so cute." I say smiling at her

"Again thanks, still not interested though. Sorry." She says, smiling awkwardly

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