Chapter 9

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"For the record I'm still hungry." I say when we finally manage to come back down to earth

"And here I thought that last little session thoroughly distracted you." Scar says, rolling her eyes

"It did until you stopped." I say cheekily

She pulls me closer by my hips with a smirk.

"Well then I guess I'll have to start it again." She says, placing light kisses on my neck and cheeks

This time I managed to not give in, no matter how badly I wanted too. And believe me I wanted too. But my hunger won over my physical needs.

"After I eat." I say, gently pushing her away

She pouts slightly, but let's me get out of bed, following after a second or two.

"You just ate a sandwich and had a smoothie. How can you possibly be hungry?" She grumbles, throwing on a t-shirt and shorts

I gave her a look as I slid my hoodie from earlier back on then some fluffy pajama pants

"Uh, maybe because we have been up here for a good four hours having sex." I say, pulling my hair into a ponytail

A look of disbelief mixed with mild shock crosses her face.

"Your not serious. There is no way we've been up here that long." Scar says, running a brush through her messy hair

"Completely, we got home at six. See for yourself." I say, pointing to the digital clock on the nightstand

Shock takes over completely the longer she stares at it. Then a smirk erases the shock.

"I'm surprised you can still talk." She says casually

I gave her a confused look. Not at all sure where she was going with this.

"Why wouldn't I be able to talk?" I ask, walking over to her

She wraps her arms around my waist securely.

"Given how long we've been up here and the amount of times I made you scream my name. How you still have a voice is beyond me." She says, looking down at me with a smug grin

I felt my face heat up like the sun. Definetly a tomato once again.

"Scar." I groan, burying my face in her hair

"What my sweet little tomatoe?" She asks sweetly

I peaked out from her hair, face still super red, glaring at her.

"Your doing this on purpose aren't you." I say

She tries to look offended, which last all of ten seconds, before she burst into laughter. I looked at her like she had lost it.

"I'm sorry, but your face was just so cute." She says in between laughs, hugging me tighter

"Only you would think that me trying to be intimidating is cute." I say, smiling slightly

"Just when your trying to do it at me. Anyone other than me would find it very intimidating." She says, kissing my nose

I giggled and gave her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Wanna be the bestest fiance in the whole universe?" I ask sweetly, holding my arms out to her

"Thought I already was, but what do you want?" She asks, smiling a bit

"Carry me. Please." I say, sounding kinda like a small child

With a grin she picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the room, towards the kitchen. I let my feet swing over her arm while I hummed under my breath.

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