Chapter 6

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Scar POV

I laughed at my loving mates response to that bitches offer. Even though I knew full well that Hayley would never in a million years betray me like that, or in anyway really, her responses still managed to surprise me. I let her pull me outside through the doors at the end of the hallway.

"I swear that woman is completely ridiculous." Hayley mutters, pulling out a B-cig and a lighter from her bra

"I think you handled her quite well." I say, placing my hands on her hips

She looks up at me and smiles.

"Yeah! I mean I wasnt gonna let that go. She basically asked to fuck me in the teachers lounge, the only person who is ever aloud to do that is you." She says pointedly, sticking the B-cig in her mouth and lighting it

I leant down and kissed her soft neck lovingly.

"Is that an offer? Or a question? Because regardless my answer is yes, though I'd rather do that in a more private setting where no one could hear us, but who am I to deny such a beautiful girls wishes." I say, pulling her closer

Her heart rate spiked ever so slightly, not enough for her to notice, but enough to tell me that she was definetly enjoying this to no end.

"A little bit of both. Is that because we both know everyone would hear us if we did?" She asks, exhaling the smoke

"Yes, especially you." I say, moving away from her neck and slowly making my way up to her lips

"Im not even going to argue with that." She says breathlessly

I smirked then kissed her with all the love I had in me. I could taste the B-cig on her lips which only served to make me want to keep kissing her, not that I didnt already.

"I love you so much." I whisper when we break apart

Hayley looks up with nothing but happines and love written on her face.

"I love you too. I wouldnt trade you for anything in the world." She whispers back, kissing my cheek

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, keeping her close to me.

"You wanna explain what exactly happened back there?" I ask softly

She doesnt answer for several for seconds instead she finishes the B-cig then throws it away. Knowing her as well as I do I know how long it takes for her to get her thoughts together. So I only have to wait about fifteen seconds before she does answer.

"Well after you and Pea left Tessy was...messing with me and in the proccess started stuttering over some words. I got the feeling I was missing something so when I asked her what was going on she just said nothing darling and walked away like everything was fine. What freaked me out was that when she called me darling I some how automatically knew that she was lying to me and I have no idea how I would even begin to know that. Then the side of my head started hurting for whatever reason." Hayley says

I hugged her tighter, my anger spiking in the process, as did my worry meter, I swear things would be so much better if that bitch would leave my Hayley alone.

"Im sure theres a logical explanation as to why you knew that. Maybe you saw something on her face that told you that right when she said it. Also what do you mean by messing with you?" I ask suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at her

Instead of answering she just kisses me, thoroughly distracting me for a moment.

"Maybe we should just stay out here until the bellrings." Hayley says, wrapping her arms around my neck

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