authors note: please read it's important.

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Hey guys.

So this week someone very important and special to me passed away from cancer. Those of you who I'm friends with on here know who I'm talking about. After fighting it once and beating it. The cancer came back again a year ago. During that time she was able to give birth to a healthy baby boy who is almost two years old. She was one of the most special and amazing humans I've ever met. She impacted me in ways that I can't even describe. She was more than just my teacher she was also a dear friend. The loss hit me harder than anything ever has which brings me to why I'm making this post. I need some time before I can write again. No I promise I'm not just gonna leave either of my stories unfinished I swear I will update again. Just not right now. My heart is broken and my brain is not up to thinking of story ideas. Especially right now. The hurt and pain is still fresh so I really hope you guys understand as to why I'm taking a break. The only good thing to come out of this is that she's no longer in so much pain. Thank you all so much for following this story it means a lot and I'll update as soon as I'm ready. I dont know how long it'll take but I promise I'll try not to make it to long. I love you guys. Hope you all understand.


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