Chapter 3

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"Look whos talking." Scar says bluntly, hugging me tightly when I run over to her

Tessy took a step towards us causing Scar to shove me behind her.

"Oh Hayley didnt you just say youd be a good girl? Id hate to think that you lied to me." Tessy says smirking at me

"If you dare to touch her in anyway ever again I will kill you bitch." Scar grows loudly

Tessy shoots a glare at her.

"Id lik to see you try." Tessy says

"Go fuck yourself or one of your little minions." I hissed at her

"Why would I do that when I could be fucking you?" Tessy asks arching an eyebrow at me

I snapped, lunging forward, trying to attack her, but Scar held me back since she was still holding the wolfsbane coated knife.

"You must be really stupid or really sucidal to say that to a MATED Hybrid." I snarled

A shiver runs through her body, though I doubted it was from fear.

"I do so love it when your angry. I find it so endearing." She purrs

Before I can do anything other than growl at her again, the bell rings and a horde of students for thus class period come walking in with Pea, Hope, and Chris rushing in behind them. I was guessing they heard my growl. Tessy subtely stowed the knife away so no one would see it.

"Ill finish what I started with you later." She says lustfully

"Go to fucking hell bitch." I say, storming out of the room while pulling Scar with me

The others followed us out, looking really confused, I held my temper back until we got into an empty classroom where I proceeded to punch a wall, but being careful not to break it since I was still in my vamp form.

"That bitch!" I shouted

"What happened? Did she hurt you or Scar?" Pea asks worriedly

"Whats going on? What did she do?" Chris asks, looking at Scar for an answer since I obviously wasnt gonna give one yet

"I dont know. I was in class writing some notes down and I started feeling weird like something was off then Hayley contacted me through our mind link screaming her head off for me to come save her. When I got in there Tessy had her pinned against the wall and I pulled Tessy off of Hayley. Of course Tessy reacted by pulling out a wolfsbane coated knife and Hayley shifted into her vamp form to protect me." Scar explains walking over to me and kiss me a few times to calm me down so I could fill in the blanks

"She came up behind me after I sent the team back into the lockerooms to change, started feeling me up. I pulled away, but she wouldnt stop, I told her to keep her hands off of me. The next thing I knew she had me pinned to the wall. I literally begged her to stop, she refused, told me that she wanted to have some fun with me first. Long story short I freaked out, contacted Scar, and now she knows that we know about her being a huntress." I say, leaning into Scar

"That's sexuall harassment she should be fired." Hope says angrily

"No she should be shot." Pea says frimly

"This is some bullshit." Chris says

I grinned at them, feeling immensely better.

"We all know they wouldnt believe us. Plus she was smart enough to turn the cameras off before hand." I say

"Again that's why we should have went with my plan when we first found out what she was and killed her." Pea says seriously

"I know but we have laws in our world about unsanctioned murder of vamps, wolfs, hybrids, humans, and hunters/huntresses we dont have any proof. While the council might believe us we would still need proof before they let us kill her. Like she'd actaully have to do something and I dont mean just touching me either." I say, shuddering

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