Chapter 4

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A few minutes later we headed down stairs, our hands clasped together and swinging idly between us. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and changed into a pair of shorts with a red speghtti strapped tank top. Scar put her hair in a messy bun and changed into the same outfitt except her tank top was blue. The whole pack looked as we walked into the living room, giving us a knowing look.

"About time you two made an appearance." Pea says jokingly, leaning her head on Aydens, her mate, shoulder

"Yeah, what were yall doing up there?" Ayden asks smirking, wrapping his arm around Pea

I knew they were just trying to make me blush, but I just smirked at them.

"Homework." I say, kissing Scars cheek

"Really? For what class?" Chris asks smirking at Scar

"Human anatomy." Scar says smirking back, letting go of my hand and wrapping her arm around my waist

Pea raises her eyebrows.

"You mean Hayley anatomy." Pea says jokingly

I rolled my eyes at her. Before anyone else can speak Hope and Devin walk in holding hands.

"What about Hayley?" Hope asks looking at Pea

"Hayley forgot that she has a meeting with rogers and the represntative from the HH academy today." Chris says coming to my rescue

I hid the surprise that was about to show on my face before Hope or Devin could see it, I really had forgotten about it.

"Yeah, when is that by the way?" I ask him

He looks at the watch on his wrist then back at me.

"Now. They should be here any second." He says

Just then we hear a car pull up in the driveway and I lead them outside to greet our guests. Two people got out of the dark SUV one male, rogers a member of the council, and the other a female, who just happened to be Tessy, I almost fell over when I saw her standing there, smirking at us.

"Councilman Rogers." I say respectfully

"Alpha Hayley." He says just as respectfully

I turned and smiled stiffly at Tessy.

"Tessy." I say

"Hayley, sweety, its so good to see you again." She practically purrs

Rogers looked from me to her then back again.

"You two know each other?" He asks curiously

"Yes, Hayley here is one of my best students. We are very close." Tessy says walking over and putting an around my shoulders

I stiffened and put on a fake smile so he wouldnt think anything was wrong. I knew I had to play my cards right for now until we got the proof about Tessy.

"Yeah, so close." I say in the most sarcastic tone ever

Rogers smiled gleefully and clapped his hands together.

"Great! That makes things so much easier, now if youll take us inside we can begin the meeting." He says gesturing for me to start walking to the house

I was just about to speak when I noticed Scar staring at something in the car. I turned towards her, shrugging Tessys arm off my shoulders in the process.

"What is it love?" I ask her

"Theres someone else in the car." Scar says, squinting her eyes slightly to see through the tinted windows

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