•Hogwarts High•

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"I swear the next time he starts tapping that stupid pencil I will shove it up his arse!" Yelled Draco Malfoy as he gracefully stormed through the halls of Hogwarts High. "Seriously! It's not like it was Maths!"

"Temper, temper." Blaise Zabini glanced unbothered at his best friend before he spoke back, practically unaffected while flipping through whatever French Fashion magazine his mother had left for him before her shift that morning.

"Screw my temper! We've barely been in school a month and Potter has already decided against paying attention. That would be fine if he wasn't my bloody lab partner!"

"I heard he couldn't focus 'cause he was moving in with that soap star you like. You know, the one you swear you're related to?" Zabini flipped another page as they finally reached their lockers. He placed his book and the catalog on the shelf then grabbed the one he would need for his english homework. Draco looked a tad annoyed before he rolled his eyes exasperated while grabbing his satchel and hanging it from his own lean frame.

"My mother is related to Sirius Black. They're cousins. Black is her maiden name, you twit."

"Yeah, sure. I get that you're famous, but you can't be related to everybody." The dark skinned boy handed his books to the blonde as he used his now free hands to tie back his well kept dreadlocks.

"Blaise, I am not your bloody butler." Draco held the books out, but just as his friend was about to take the books back he dropped them onto the floor. "Assume so again and I will personally castrate you. Now, why would Sirius allow Potter to stay with him? It doesn't make any sense."

"I heard Black was Potter's godfather or something." He shrugged. "I don't allow myself to get caught up in the drama."

Draco scoffed at the sound of that. Potter thought he was so cool because he was into that 90's fashion vibe. Draco knew better, all of his friends did.

"Since when?"

"Well, since I started talking to Nev." He shrugged and rolled his eyes at Draco's obvious distaste. Blaise slammed his locker and began walking away. "You already knew that. C'mon, we can't waste time in the halls. I do have a date to tonight."

"With Longbottom! I promise you have time to spare," insisted the blonde rolling his eyes and shivering.

"Oh no, you aren't going to make me miss the best parts of the evening." A mischievous smirk played on his lips. "The things that boy can do with his tongue. I have no idea why he is so shy outside of the bedroom."

"I do not want to hear about you and Schlongbottom's sexual interaction, thank you very mu- ow!"

"That isn't his name," Blaise said sitting back into the car after having flicked Draco's ear as many times as it took for it to turn bright red as opposed to pink.


Before Blaise could pull off though there was a knock on the passenger window. Draco irritably lowered it and looked out only to see Harry Potter standing there with an awkward smile on his face.

"Sorry, Zabini," he spoke across Draco before turning his attention to the blonde. "Are we still meeting at the town library later or..."

"What?" Asked Draco momentarily captivated by Harry's eyes. The ravenette chuckled.

"The lab project. You said we could work on it at the library. I assumed we could just ride there together, but-" Harry patted the top of the car. "-it's clear you already have a ride. Do you still want to meet at the library?"

"Of course he does! Actually he can ride with you," Blaise reached over Draco and opened the door before pushing the blonde out with a smirk. "Enjoy!" He said throwing out Draco's bag and speeding off.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to make you lose your ride." Harry looked sheepish and Draco decided maybe he meant it.

"It wasn't your fault this time, Potter. Blaise has a date he wants to get ready for early."

"Yeah, Neville hasn't been able to stop talking about it. But what about you? Seeing anyone right now, Malfoy?"

"A-Are you coming onto me?" Said Draco who stopped in surprise as Harry shrugged and continued walking to his car.

"Maybe." He looked back and gave Draco a blinding grin. "Now c'mon. We have work to do."


idk part 1
comment ideas

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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