art credit (margot-s-drawings)
Ginny shoved Harry's shoulder and continued laughing while prying.
"Gin, I already told you, I don't like anyone!" Harry whined while trying to walk away from her.
"Harry, I know you better than that. You've been spelling your hair clean and everything for days! Do I know her?" Gin said practically begging and Harry laughed.
"Oh, definitely not!" He bit his lip to keep from laughing in her face.
"Well, do I know him?" She looked at him head on and he took the opportunity to stare literally anywhere else. A blush took over his face as he answered.
Hermione took that as her cue to join in on the conversation as they headed outside towards the lake.
"Still trying to figure out who he likes?" She asked looking around Harry to speak to Ginny.
"I have narrowed it down to males!"
"Well that makes it a little easier."
"Not by much.." Ginny admitted, looking down.
"Why do we keep focusing on my love life? What about you two? Where's Ron, 'Mione?" Harry asked trying to throw the attention from himself.
"He went flying, said he needed to practice or something." She stared pointedly at Harry with her hands on her hips. "We aren't always together, you know?"
"You do seem to be together an awful lot," said Ginny in Harry's defense.
"We're a couple! This isn't even about us! It's about the guy Harry has a crush on."
"If I tell you, will you both leave me alone?" Harry said calmly while looking at the group of Slytherins that had just exited the castle. They both stared at him with wide eyed smiles and spoke quickly at the same time.
"For the time being..."
"Until something else interesting comes up."
"Fine," he said before walking away from them purposefully in the direction of the Slytherins. Hermione and Ginny were too stunned to move.
"Does he have a death wish? Is that what this is? He'd rather be killed than tell us who he likes?" Ginny said trying to rein in her surprise. Before Hermione could respond Harry had reached the spot where Draco Malfoy stood between Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini with Crabbe and Goyle in the rear.
Harry took a deep breath and before he could stop himself be he grabbed the front of Draco's open robes and pulled him forward until their lips met. Draco melted into him for a moment until he realized where he was and he froze. When Harry released him and backed away The blonde fell to the ground.
It was as though the world had fell into silence.
Then Pansy's laugh broke out across the courtyard.
"You owe me 4 galleons, Blaise. I told you Potter would make the first move." She continued laughing as Blaise dug into his pocket angrily, though his easy going smirk never left his face. "It's all that Gryffindor bravery and shit, they're always on about."
"Yeah, whatever," Blaise dropped the coins into her hand then toed Draco with the tip of his dragon skin loafers.
"Malfoy?" Harry kneeled to the other boy's level before attempting to shake his shoulders. "I know you didn't really faint. You kissed me back." When he got no response he stood back up.
"I'm actually surprised he's laying on the ground this long," said Blaise.
"Yeah, he hates mucking up his clothes," added Pansy. Harry squatted next to him again, laughing.
"Yeah, I figured as much." He pinched Draco's thigh causing the blonde to snap his eyes open and glare at him evilly.
"Potter," he said eerily calm. "Did you just pinch me?"
"That would be a definite yes." Harry made to stand, but before he could Malfoy had flipped them over so that he was straddling Harry's waist.
"You're going to regret that," he said with his usual malice, but Harry couldn't help but smile as he grabbed Malfoy's waist and flipped them over again.
"I can't see why I would," he said smirking. Draco smiled up at him evilly.
"I can show you." He put more force onto pushing Harry, causing them both to roll down the hill towards the edge of the lake. They were stopped by a large tree on the edge. Just before they could roll in and fall in the water, they hit a magical barrier.
Draco pulled himself from the raventte blushing madly while standing up and brushing himself off.
Harry looked up at the blonde grinning broadly.
"You'll show me next time, will you?" asked Harry sitting up on the edge of the water with his head tilted to the side.
"Shove off, Potter," said Draco as he turned and started walking back towards his friends embarrassed.
"I don't think so, Malfoy." Harry threw him a lopsided grin when the blonde looked back. "See you later, yeah?"
"Whatever, Potter," said Draco nodding, before rushing off towards his friends, leaving a goofily smiling Harry behind him.
this was requested by
Drarry_gaynesswhat d'you think darling?
hope y'all enjoy
comment ideas-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

Whatever You Want {Drarry}
FanfictionDrarry Oneshots (ive put all the sequels directly after the original) Comment ideas for chapters! Once the book is done the one with the most votes will become it's own story This is a thank you for reading to anyone who has read my Drarry stories...