art credit (fuckyeahharryxdraco)
[not really △⃒⃘ compliant]Draco sat back brooding as they rode the train towards his last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The sooner he could get it over with and be done with it, the better.
He had been brewing over the situation all summer.
He can't believe she did something like that. He was sure it was on purpose. Just doing what she can to make him look like a fool. She had taunted him and pushed him and prodded him until he was prepared to avada kedavra himself just to be done with the torment she was unleashing in his brain.
Whatever that- that Weaslette happened learned from Tom Riddle and his blasted diary in her first year was coming back to bite Draco's hide. She wasn't quite a master in Legilimency, but for someone like Draco who hadn't practiced Occlumemcy in years she knew enough to wreak havoc in his mind.
She wasn't just toying with his memories she was forcing him to hallucinate, to relive all the things he hated most through his life so far. He placed his wand to his head.
"Avada K-" Before he could continue she had screeched out a name he knew all too well and his wand was being sent flying from his hand.
"What do you think you're doing, Malfoy?"
"What did it look like, Potter..."
Harry gave him that look that meant they would talk about it later before turning to discuss the mess with her, but Harry never showed up later. He was different for the rest of the year, including but not limited to the time Harry almost killed him in the lavatory!
The year ended with an out-of-it Harry and a broken hearted Draco.
A four year relationship disappeared without rhyme or reason.
Draco sat up straighter in his seat before turning to look out the window. He wasn't going to waste his year pining for Potter. Nope. He was over him. O-V-E-R. He spoke the sentence over and over in his mind.
Sure he and Potter's relationship was a secret, but that didn't change the fact that he cared for the boy more than he should've for someone in either of their predicaments.
Before he could curse his life properly, the bitch walked into his compartment with Potter in tow.
"Malfoy, Parkinson, Blaise," she said nodding at everyone except Blaise who she gave a warm almost seductive smile to. "I know you all don't like us much, but I was wondering if we could just sit here for a moment while the rest of the train calms down. You know how they can get around Harry... He's been feeling a little under the weather."
Draco opened his mouth, but Blaise cut him off forcing a smirk onto Ginny's lips.
"That'd be fine," Blaise said while he smiled warmly back at her and Draco almost screeched at their blatant flirting even when she was trying her damnedest to keep him from his boyfriend. Or whatever the hell they were.
"We won't make trouble if you don't," added Pansy without even looking up from the intriguing task of filing her nails.
Needless to say, Draco was livid.
Clearly Harry's occlumency lessons were going a lot worse than he was letting on before if this witch could just capture and hold onto his memories and self-control.
Draco's face turned pink with anger as she leaned in closer to Harry to whisper something unnecessarily close to his ear so that every time she spoke it was as though she was kissing his ear.
He got even redder when he thought about what else she may have talked Harry into. They are teenagers after all.
What if they had-
He couldn't even bring himself to think about it or he would kill her on the spot. He was the only one who was supposed to feel Harry inside them. The only person Harry would hold that way afterwards. He assumed his look of pure distaste was good enough for her, because soon she stood with a smirk and pulled a still unusually quiet Harry behind her.
"Thanks again," she said with a sickly sweet grin before leading Harry towards where Draco thought his friends might be. Once they were gone Draco's face fell and his energy seemed to leave him. There was nothing to be angry about when he could do nothing about it. Blaise spoke clearly not understanding Draco's obvious need for solitude and silence.
"Ginny seems...sweet." Pansy looked at Blaise who seemed completely serious in his incorrect observation as he spoke to no one in particular.
"Ginny Weasley is not sweet," spat Draco angrily. "She's a scum sucking road whore!"
He turned his head to the window sadly as he remembered walking in on Ginny and Harry kissing in the Room of Requirement where he and Harry usually met. He kept his eyes open, hoping to dry the tears in them as he fought to steady his voice.
"She ruined my life..."
based on the full picture that starts with the dialogue
"ginny seems...sweet"comment ideas
love y'all-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

Whatever You Want {Drarry}
FanfictionDrarry Oneshots (ive put all the sequels directly after the original) Comment ideas for chapters! Once the book is done the one with the most votes will become it's own story This is a thank you for reading to anyone who has read my Drarry stories...