•Cheaters Never Lose• [incomplete]

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art credit [caroll-in | tumblr]

for AutumnBaine
sorry for the extremely long wait, love.

"Yeah, you've definitely had enough," says a tired Blaise Zabini as he snatches the beer from his best friend's hand.

Pansy rolls her eyes.

"Kiss my arse, Zabini," she responds as she plucks the bottle back from him and downs it in a few gulps. "Go count Draco's bottles before he starts stripping like last time."

It was Blaise's turn to roll his eyes.

"You know he stopped talking to me after he started hanging out with Nott and Smith."

"Are you taking the piss?" she scoffed. "Those fucking private school dropouts? Fuck-"

"Wha- Is that Potter?" asked Blaise watching the guy who just walked in as he still stood next to Pansy at the island in the Lovegood's kitchen.

"Do you think Draco is still head over heels?"

"Oh, I don't know," started Blaise sarcastically as he watches his ex-bestfriend drool over Luna's newest guest. "Maybe it was just a phase."

Pansy laughed so hard she snorted and had to cover her face as blush took over. Her faux-pas did not go unnoticed and Draco's head snapped away from the door to search the room dubiously before he found them standing happily unfazed by the glare he was directing their way. Before any of them could decide to step forward and start trouble that had been a long-time due, there was a squeal of glee as everyone takes note of Luna walking forward clueless and holding a full unopened bottle of old vodka into the air.

"Would anyone like to play spin the bottle?"

The room splits between bursts of agreement and groans of disapproval.

"Lovegood," says Blaise, while walking over and lowering himself onto the floor, propping his arms over the one knee he left upward. "Do we have to play this game every time you throw a party?"

"It's a wonderful way to get to know each other," says Luna smiling at him and he chuckles before eyeing Neville Longbottom, who is joining the circle hand-in-hand with Hannah Abbott a chubby girl covered in freckles who had just recently transferred to Hogwarts Academy.

"Of course you would think so," says an unfazed Harry Potter who sits next to Ginny and tosses an arm over her shoulders before kissing her cheek. Draco sat not too much later. Once the majority of the party had decided to sit in, the game began.

"Would you like to start us off, Harry?"

"Sure, Luna. Nothing to lose, have I?"

One of Malfoy's goons nudges him when more than a few people notice that he's glaring at Potter and growling. Harry looks up at him confused, but not too bothered as Luna smiles and nods at him and he reaches out to finally spin the bottle first.

The bottle spins around quickly before it even begins to slow down. Once it does, it bobs between Ron Weasley and Draco before finally stopping on the blushing blond.

A hush falls over the group before it breaks into hoots and whoops and a far from sober Pansy Parkinson screeching out a: "Give it to'im Draco!"

Harry looked skeptical but leaned in slowly. Just as he was about to topple over the bottle though, Draco leaned forward, grabbed him by his collar and gave him a fast peck on the lips just to be over it. He sits back for a second and licks his lips, noting how Potter tasted like cinnamon. Cinnamon and alcohol. Ignoring how much he wanted to kiss him again, he gulped before spinning the bottle next and giving Luna a soft peck as well when it lands on her. She kisses Dean who kisses Seamus who is blushing furiously for probably the first time that anyone has ever seen. As everyone takes their turn, more alcohol is being passed around by those of them who weren't playing so that by the time Hermione kisses Ron and Seamus screams how "that's so planned!" the rest of the room almost falls all over themselves in giggles.


so hey futher muckers

sorry about this, but as i was writing this...i kind of lost inspiration
there isn't much room for me to build my own story, because the story is already done, just in bullet points

this isn't a prompt so much as an outline, and it isn't my story to write...sorry again

i decided to just post what i had started and maybe one of you could come up with another idea for how to continue it maybe...if you wanted me to.?


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based on these two things and requested by @AutumnBaine like twicesorry i couldn't finish them, love

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based on these two things and requested by @AutumnBaine like twice
sorry i couldn't finish them, love

lemme know whatchall think anyway. thanks.
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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