Drarry Oneshots
(ive put all the sequels directly after the original)
Comment ideas for chapters!
Once the book is done the one with the most votes will become it's own story
This is a thank you for reading to anyone who has read my Drarry stories...
They were in detention again, fighting over who knows what. McGonagal had taken to leaving them alone. She offered them tea and biscuits, as long as they didn't trash her classroom while she was busy elsewhere. Draco Malfoy stood before her desk and fixed himself a cup of tea before glancing back and noticing Potter looking very determinedly not hungry. Draco rolled his eyes before grabbing another cup. When he spoke he didn't know if he was talking to Potter or convincing himself.
"I'm going to make you a cup of tea, because you are obviously completely incompetent and don't know how to care for yourself." When the messy haired boy's stomach growled the blonde grabbed the tin of biscuits as well. That's how detention was the next few times they get stuck there. They did not talk about it.
One afternoon after they had each had their tea, Potter looked dejected before slumping forward in his chair, sighing tiredly.
"Don't slouch, Potter, it's undignified," Draco said on impulse almost by instinct as he glanced quickly away from the darker young man.
Harry visibly straightened, but still sent Draco a confused sort of look.
The next day in potions they were asked to pair up in order to test their 'partnership skills' or some such rubbish. It took exactly 12 minutes before Malfoy stepped in to help a defeated looking Gryffindor. Harry knows. He counted.
"Honestly Potter, are you completely useless? Just let me do it before you blow your bloody fingers off."
As the winter season swept over Hogwarts the chill of the air could not be mistaken yet there Harry Potter stood with his outer robes thrown casually over one shoulder, looking windswept, dragging his broom behind him.
"Merlin! You're going to catch your death wearing that," Draco said without prior explanation as he swaggered over to Potter, taking his coat off and wrapping his outer robes a bit tighter around himself before forcing the other fabric at the darker boy.
"What are you even talking about, Malfoy? I don't need a c- is this your jacket?"
"Don't argue with me just put the bloody coat on. Yes, I'm aware it's mine. I'm not completely daft."
"Malfoy," said Harry with a scarily concerned face as though he was a few seconds from sending Madam Pomfrey to the Slytherin dorms later. "I don't need your coat. You probably need it more than I do." He passed the jacket slowly back to Draco as if the blonde was moments from a mental breakdown.
Angrily, the blonde stomped back over to his friends. Potter was being a right arse if he thought Draco was going to let him get sick. What would Draco do if the git were bed ridden? Potter only ever thought about himself.
When classes started back up the following week Potter was not there.
He wasn't in the corridors. He wasn't in the dinning hall. And when Draco tried to bully a few underclass Gryffindors into telling him where the git was all he got in reply was a stuttered he's sick before they ran off.
He angrily headed to the kitchens, tickling the pear to get through like his mother had told him.
The house elves looked at him warily, but allowed him a corner of the room to cook as he pleased once Dobby head vouched for him.
So that's where he ran off to, the blonde thought before he finished setting up a tray. He covered it with a practice warming charm before heading back out of the kitchen. He took the stairs three at a time and spoke kindly to the portrait until she opened to let out a couple of girls who looked suspiciously locked into each others eyes. Draco took the opportunity and elegantly stepped through the doorway that had been left openly vacant.
A tray holding pumpkin juice and a bowl of soup was flown and slammed gracefully in front of a pitifully sick Harry Potter as he sat in one of the arm chairs in the Gryffindor common room. He was wrapped in blankets and sweating profusely, though he was still shivering his proud arse off.
"I told you to wear the damn jacket, didn't I, Potter?" said Malfoy as he took a seat next to the sickly boy, decidedly not blushing.
"M-Malfoy? Wha- How did you even get in here? What're you doing here?" responded the boy thickly. "Is that soup? Did you bring me soup? Did you do something to it?" He sounded confused and congested. Draco just waved off his words.
"Why would I do anything to it when I'm trying to make you feel well again, you grand ponce?" Draco looked away though his cheeks were still heated. "I demand you stop being sick, right now! What am I supposed to do if you're here all...stuffy?"
"You can't just demand away a fever, Malfoy, I've tried. Why don't you go-," the boy shrugged halfheartedly as he still stared at the soup. Less like it would hurt him and more like he could hurt it for smelling as good as it did. "-make nice with the Hufflepuffs."
"I don't make nice, you bafoon." He stood up. "You better stop being sick soon Potter, or my father will hear about this," snapped the blonde as he stormed back out of Gryffindor tower with a light blush still covering his cheeks and climbing ever higher to the tips of his ears.
this is based on these two prompts
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i combined them i felt like one kinda led into the other