art credit (unknown)
Harry paced back and forth in the eighth year dorms in the middle of the night trying not to awaken any of his roommates. Ron would be fine with it and maybe Nott would too, but he was certain that Malfoy would kill him.
He was too agitated to think he could perform any spell correctly so he took his chances with whispered angry mumbling in parseltongue.
"First I wasn't good enough for Snape, and now Slughorn is using any means necessary to pass me. I'm just piss poor at potions. Why can't anyone understand that? I mean maybe if I knew what the things did..." He shook his head. "Me and Ron came back to earn our spots in the auror department and I won't get my spot unless I pass potions!" He quickly covered his mouth and looked around when he heard someone moaning. He gulped before examining the room.
Ron was still asleep, of that Harry was sure. His friend's snoring was something he was used to. He supposed Zabini and Nott were too, because their curtains were open and their breaths were still coming out in soft puffs. Neville was too close to the other side of the room for him to hear anything that was going on in the clumsier gryffindor's bed. Malfoy's curtains were pulled tightly from earlier that night when they had gotten into an argument about whatever it was to argue about now that Voldemort had been defeated.
When he found nothing out of the ordinary he continued his lonely tirade.
"It doesn't make any sense for us to hate each other anymore, the stupid git. I mean, we risked our lives for one another, but now we can't even be civil? It's so bloody stupid. What's his problem anyway?"
Harry had tried being civil. More than civil even. He had invited Draco to the 1 Year Anniversary dance as his date and the blonde not only turned him down, but tormented him for a week afterwards. He took that as a solid no for trying to have anything more than the rude acquaintanceship they had now.
More moaning interrupted him, but he decided to pretend he didn't hear it.
"Seriously, am I that horrid? I bet it's just more of his 'better-than-everyone thing. He doesn't want to be my friend or anything 'cause it'll take the attention off him."
"O-oh fuck, Potter."
Harry's eyes grew wide at the sound of his name that slipped out before another needy moan. He couldn't be sure because it was only a few words, but he was almost positive that was Malfoy's voice.
He mustered up some Gryffindor courage and took a few light steps towards Malfoy's bed. If the blonde was awake he could say he was just headed to the bathroom since the blonde's bed was closest to the dorm showers. He would have made a bad joke about gay guys and showers, but he couldn't quite get his thoughts together so close to the blonde's bed.
"What the hell am I doing? Everyone is asleep, I'm probably just hearing shit I want to hear..."
Okay so the moans were definitely coming from Malfoy's bed. Harry sucked in a breath. Maybe they weren't those kind of moans. Maybe Malfoy just
Harry was starting to sound pathetic, even to himself. He tried anyway.
"Malfoy? Are you okay?"
The rustling in the bed before him stopped and the room fell into an almost eerie silence for a moment while the roommates who were trying to sleep were caught mid-snore.

Whatever You Want {Drarry}
FanfictionDrarry Oneshots (ive put all the sequels directly after the original) Comment ideas for chapters! Once the book is done the one with the most votes will become it's own story This is a thank you for reading to anyone who has read my Drarry stories...