art credit (unknown/on photo)
Harry looked up sadly from flipping over a pancake towards the cabinet where all the plates were. He thought for a minute before turning off the stove and moving to the cabinet. Draco had been sick all week and Harry had promised him breakfast in bed. He was going to prove he could do it on his own.
He had decided yesterday that stretching really could help him grow. Yes, even at his age.
Determinedly he climbed onto the countertop and retrieved the plates he needed before gracelessly climbing down. He slipped as he hit the floor and landed hard onto his bum.
"Bollocks, that hurt!" He braced himself on the counter as he stood before picking up the plates he dropped,glad that he had taken the brunt of the fall, and placing them onto the serving island.
"Harry are you alright, dear?" A stuffy voice called from the bedroom. "Need any help?"
"Don't patronize me, ya loon!" He shouted back. He placed a big helping of pancakes on the plate before moving on to the bacon, eggs and sausages. He made sure to remember to put the grits in a separate bowl. Although he preferred to mix them with his eggs, his boyfriend was not about to throw away years of proper dinning lessons.
A Malfoy doesn't play in their food, Potter.
Harry rolled his eyes with a smile while he sat the food on a tray before pouring a glass of orange juice and a mug full of tea. Once he had filled the tray and grabbed the utensils he carefully lifted it and carried it into their bedroom where Draco laid sad and tired looking.
"Apple Pancakes?" asked Draco once he sat the tray down.
"The top 2 are apple and the bottom 2 are chocolate chip," he said smiling at Draco's blessed expression.
"Hab I told you how much I lub you?" he spoke happily even though he could barely breathe.
"Not today. I don't quite recall..." Harry leaned in and kissed his forehead.
"Stop, Harry," the blonde whined only halfheartedly trying to push the ravenette away before tucking into his food. "You're going to get sick too if you insist on staying around me all the time."
Harry smiled at him.
"I think it's worth it if I can make you feel better, baby."
Draco blushed and shooed him away so he could 'eat his breakfast in peace'. Harry smiled at him before going back into the kitchen to clean up his messes.
The next time Harry cooked, Draco was back on his feet, but Merlin forbid he actually asked the blonde for help.
"Dray, could you reach that for me?"
"I thought you didn't like when I grabbed things for you, love. Made you less manly or some rubbish like that, remember?"
"Can you just grab the damn balsamic you oversized thorn!"
Draco chuckled before grabbing the bottle off the top shelf then handling it to Harry. He stopped only for a second afterwards to receive a kiss before heading into their living room to read a book until Harry finished dinner at least. Then they could watch a movie together.
He smiled at the thought until he heard a crash and more noticeably a few crunches before he was up and running towards the kitchen where his boyfriend lay in a crumpled heap of limbs all going the wrong way.
"Harry!" The man in question looked in terrible pain but he only released a strained chuckle.
"It was your favorite book. I didn't want to disturb you just b-because I couldn't reach..." he groaned in pain.
"Don't worry, love. I'll take care of you." The blonde easily lifted Harry and carried him to the nearest transport after phoning the hospital. It didn't take top long to get there and once they did it was like Harry was almost immediately snatched from his arms and taken to a room to be taken care of.
It was a week before he slept in his own bed instead of a hospital chair, but now Harry was home and that's all that mattered.
Another week and he and Harry gave an entirely new meaning to the word safe sex.
Draco read over the paper the next morning with a smile while sitting up in bed.
"Well you've really done it now, haven't you, love?" Draco asked with a smirk as he flipped calmly through the Daily Prophet.
"What've I done now," asked Harry stubbornly, sitting up in their bed with bandages wrapped around his torso and a tray of unfinished breakfast in his lap. Draco smirked at him again and started reading.
"Child star and Hero proposes to Malfoy heir. I mean honestly, did you have to make a scene at the hospital like that?"
"It was either a big proposal or a huge wedding and we both hate parties, so..."
"When did you become so smart?" Draco teased aloud.
"The day I started dating you, I suppose," said Harry taking a bite of toast.
"Great answer," drawled Draco seductively. He gave the other man time to rid himself of the tray then he pounced. Tenderly of course. Those healing ribs could prove to be a real challenge sometimes. He supposed they would know better than most.
so i think a part three to
finish this verse will doit shall have smut
comment ideas 💡
love yall-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

Whatever You Want {Drarry}
FanfictionDrarry Oneshots (ive put all the sequels directly after the original) Comment ideas for chapters! Once the book is done the one with the most votes will become it's own story This is a thank you for reading to anyone who has read my Drarry stories...