chapter twenty five

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final chapter lol. only the epilogue now ;)


He's falling.

But he isn't falling in a bad way. He's not falling down a bottomless out inside his mind, he's not falling down as life knocks him flat on his face, he's not falling as in 'world ending' falling. He's doing the best kind of falling:

Falling in love.

The thing is, Dan knows he hasn't fallen for Phil, and in his eyes he never will. He will never have completely fallen in love with Phil because he always continues to find new things to fall for. He'll discover Phil's secret boxes of crunchy nut hidden away underneath his bed and laugh at what a child he is, or he'll get a random text from Phil throughout the day, telling him that he loves him.

Little things are making Dan just fall deeper and deeper in love with him, and he never wants to stop falling.

"Dan! I forgot to do the english homework please help me!" Phil begs, running up behind Dan and throwing his arms around his neck, leaning his head on Dan's shoulder.

"G-get off me, y-you can d-do it yourself," Dan says, rolling his eyes whilst trying to reach around and pull Phil off him.

"No! I am not letting go until you agree to help me! I know you've done it!" Phil says determinedly, holding onto Dan even more tightly.

"I-is this r-really necessary?" Dan asks, still trying to shake Phil off him, however he seems to have converted into a koala and is holding onto Dan like he's a tree.

"Yes! Anything to save my english grade!" Phil declares, his voice especially loud as his mouth is next to Dan's ear.

"P-Pj! G-get him o-off me!" Dan pleads as he sees the curly haired boy walking towards them, a small dazed expression hovering above his head.

"What was that Dan?" Pj asks, looking over at Dan with a goofy smile.

"Oh m-my god, g-get it off!" Dan yelps as he feels Phil's hot breath brushing against the back of his neck, making goosebumps coat his skin, "P-Pj!"

"He's okay, love is beautiful," Pj smiles.

"Y-you're higher t-than my w-will to live r-right now," Dan says, glaring at him and trying to pull Phil's arms off him.

"Aw Dan!" Phil says, leaning forward and planting a slobbery kiss on his cheek, "it's okay."

"O-okay fine!" Dan sighs, "I'll help you with your bloody homework."

"Thanks Danny boy," Phil says with a grin, releasing Dan from his arms.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"T-that's debatable r-right now," Dan grumbles as he follows Phil towards the school library where they can complete Phil's homework in the fifteen minutes remaining before school.

"Dan! It's been a while," Alfie says, smiling widely at him in a cruel and twisted kind of way.

"A-Alfie," Dan stammers, feeling his heart begin to shrink and crawl away into the shadows, fear filling his chest in its place.

"Alfie, leave him alone," Phil says, stepping in between them, his mood changing to a fire; rage, anger.

"Let Howell fight his own battles, you're just making him an easier, weaker target," Alfie sneers, his mood smug, "you know deep down he doesn't belong here Phil. Look at him, he doesn't feel anything."

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