Alisa's POV
I was still completely confused and scared as to who B was and I was horrified to find out who it may be.
before I could ponder on it anymore, there was a knock at the door. Although it didnt register to me straight away.
the boys had gone off to do their own thing and I was still sitting on the couch. harry and lou had gone to get lunch for all of us. the rest were scattered around the house.
I then heard the knock on the door again, this time getting up and rushing to the door. before I opened it, I heard angered voices. the angered voices of my parents...
I had my hand on the door handle, ready to open it.
"why are you standing at the door?" I jumped at the sudden outburst from liam.
"you scared the hell out of me! uhm my parents are here...I dont want to let them in..." I looked hesitant at the door as liam came and stood beside me.
"its okay, im here. moral support. you dont have to be alone with them. soon harry and lou will be home. plus. the other boys are here too." he gave me a reassuring smile and I thanked him.
as I opened the door, three figures came into view. two being my parents, and a third I had never seen before. I frowned in confusion seeing the boy that looked similar age to me.
"ha! she doesnt even recognise me." the boy spoke as liam and I let them all in. we made our way ro the loungeroom and sat down together.
we all sat in silence until the boy scoffed.
"are we really just going to sit here and wait for her to speak?" he directed his question toward my parents. I was actually quite surprised that my parents hadnt started yelling yet..
I then spoke up.
"who the hell are you anyway?" looking blankly at the boy.
"you still dont recognise me?" he asked with pure disbelief and frustration.
I shook my head and liam squeezed my hand in reassurance.
"oh wow. this is rich. im your brother you oblivious bitch." I was taken aback. One for him being my so called brother and two because he called me a bitch.
I sat there with my mouth open ready to fight back when I heard a voice behind me.
"dont you dare call my girlfriend a bitch again." I didnt even hear harry and lou walk in...
harry came and sat on my left and put his arm around my waist. sending liam a thankyou nod.
"oh kids just calm down. theres no need for all this crap." my dad spoke in anger.
I had enough. I got up and spoke my mind.
"calm down? you want me to calm down?! you and your pathetic wife have a go at me saying I have to see you both before that devil child is born. then you come in here and sit silently like were a happg family. not to mention you have this dickhead, who is apparently my brother? come in here and call me a bitch for no reason what so ever. fuck, I didnt even know I had a brother! great parents you two are. I hope you rot in hell along with your so called son over here." I finished as I pointed at my so called brother.
"hey now sister. no need for the theatrics." he said sarcastically as he looked down at his phone.
"and the names blake by the way alisa" he said my name in disgust.
in no time he looked back up with a strange look in his eye.
not long and I heard my phone go off.
dont you just love family feuds ;)
- B
I gasped and looked up at blake. he was B. I was sure of it. harry looked at me with concern as he read the message on my phone.
I felt him tense up beside me and before I could reassure him I was okay, he had lunged at blake.
"you son of a bitch!" harry yelled as he threw a punch. liam and lou got up to break up the fight. liam held onto blake and lou held onto harry. they both struggled to escape, but I stood between them both. harry calmed down considerably as I looked into his eyes, having a silent conversation with him. he sighed and gave up his fight. although still glared at the ground.
I then turned to blake.
"I..I cant believe you. your B!" he grinned proudly and nodded.
"you put me in hospital!" I yelled angry and hurt.
"like I said sis, theres only room for one of us." through all of this our parents were silent. until mum spoke up.
"you put her in hospital?" she asked shock clear in her voice.
"you damn right I did! it was dads idea. I thought sure why not. eliminate the competition." I was beyond angry at this point.
"-AND YOU THINK IM COMPETITION?!...get out. all of you just get out. I never want to see the three of you again." I sighed with defeat. I had given up. I didnt want to know my family anymore. this was the final straw.
I sat back on the couch with my head in my hands.
"you cant tell us what to do, you dont live here." my father said in a smart ass tone.
"as a matter of fact, she does live here. alisa is telling you to leave. but that obviously isnt enough authority for you. so, me being the one that owns this house, im telling you all to get the hell out and never come back." I looked up to see Anne with a smirk on her face as she finished what she was saying.
she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I responded with a small smile.
my parents and brother admitted defeat and left. but not before my mother stopped to speak.
"I honestly had no idea he put you in sorry." I was in no mood for her apology.
"I dont care. just go.." I said defeatedly as I stood and went upstairs to harry and I's room.
I just wanted to sleep. to get all of it out of my head. I didnt want to relive any of today. I layed staring at the ceiling, when I heard a soft knock on the door.
"come in." I sighed. harry walked in and lay next to me, pulling me into his side. I lay my head on his chest and sighed again as he kissed my forehead.
"I feel so defeated." I whispered not trusting my own voice.
"dont feel defeated sweetie. your stronger than you think. so many times you've gone up against your parents and not once have you let them win. im so proud of you for that. you dont need them, your stronger and better without them. have the boys, my mum, my sister. and you will always always have me." I lifted myself enough to look into harrys gorgeous green eyes.
"I love you harry."
"I love you too alisa." he said back and gave me a kiss. it was soft and sweet, and held so much emotion.
I layed my head back on harrys chest and he began to play with my hair.
at that point it all clicked. everything happened for a reason. this was where I wasnt ment to be. with my amazing boyfriend, his family and his four bestfriends. my family.