shock hospital visits

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I woke up suddenly by an irritating noise. thinking it was my alarm I swatted on the bedside table trying to muffle the sound. I then heard my phone make a big thunk as it hit the floor. the noise following it was my phone ringing. I disoriently felt around on the floor for it and answered it without checking who it was or what time it was.

"hello" I answered sleep very evident in my voice.

"oh shit sorry liss did I wake you?" it was harry.

"nah I just sound this tired all the time its all good."

"im so sorry!!"

"its fine. whats up?"

"I just rang to see how you were..."

"at-" I checked the time on my phone.

"-4am?" I asked waking up a little.

"yeah sorry babe. time difference remember."

"its okay, uhm...could you call later? I have to get up for school in 3 hours."

"oh sorry I didnt even take that into acount. ill call you once you finish school. love you!!"

"love you too. night!!"

with that I hung up and went back to sleep, only to be woken up what felt like 5 minutes later, by my alarm. the joys!

once I was all ready for school I headed out.

as I made my way to school something didnt feel right. I felt like something bad was going to happen...

I got to school and everything was perfectly normal. I went to my locker and got my books for psychology and english. as I was walking to class I was still on edge.


once lunch came around I was still feeling uneasy and had no idea why...

I decided to head to the bathroom and see if I could refresh myself and feel a bit better.

I spashed water on my face as I stared at my reflection. I looked exhausted...mental note: give harry a piece of my mind for waking me up at 4 this morning!!

I smiled at the stupidity of it all and exited the bathroom. as soon as I walked out I got thrown back against the wall and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach before I blacked out....


I could faintly hear constant beeping. it was starting to get annoying. I felt around until I found something stuck on my chest and attempted to yank it off, but a pair of hands stopped me.

"oh no you don't, that's helping you." it sounded like harry...but it was impossible. he was half way across the world. at this I attempted to open my eyes. it was extremely bright. I had to blink a few times to ajust to the lighting.

I heard a sigh of relief beside me and I turned to face the person.

in all his glory with his messy hair and his bright eyes that were brimmed with unshed tears was my harry. I couldnt believe it. what was he doing here? and where exactly was here...?

"w-whats...going...on?" I asked in a croaky voice.

"you really dont remember?" harry asked looking a bit puzzled.

I shook my head and frowned.

"well what do you remember?"

I thought about it.

"a-all I can re-member is...I was at school...I had come out of the bathroom...I wasnt really paying attention to anything...then I was thrown against the wall and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach." as I said that I touched the spot and winced. I looked down to see a large bandage on my stomach...okay this much I know.. now I can in a hospital.

harry put his hand on mine and then came to lay next to me on the extremely uncomfortable hospital bed. he made sure not to stuff up any the wires that were connected to me and continued to hold my hand. I then got curious...

"harry...why are you here? what about the tour?" I asked concerned.

"relax. its on hold. I jumped on aflight with the boys as soon as elenor rang about you being in trouble. she said one of the students saw you being attacked by someone with a knife. then the person fled the scene. but they got the fingerprints off the knife so the police are tracing those as we speak." it was so much to take in...I got stabbed?! I knew something didnt feel right when I went to school...


"yes beautiful?"

"how long have I been out?" I whispered as I leaned my head on his chest.

"uhmm...well...including surgery...about 3 days." I sat up abruptly and looked at him completely shocked.

"3 days?!" I then felt a sharp jab in my stomach from when I got stabbed. I lay back down carefully and held my stomach.

harry kissed my forehead and tried to calm me.

"liss its okay. calm down. the important thing is that your here and your getting better. thats all that matters to me. I was stressing out so bad I didnt know what was going on. you should have seen me on the flight back over here. the boys tried to feed me alcohol to calm me down!!" I laughed softly at that and kissed his cheek.

"your amazing you know. I cant believe I have someone so incredible. I love you. I still dont approve of you ditching the world tour though!!" I finished disapprovingly.

he put his arms up in defence.

"well sue me. I was worried sick about my girlfriend. shes amazing. youd love her!" we both laughed at that as the boys, elenor and perrie arrived. the girls rushed to my side and started ranting 'we were so worried' 'so glad your okay'. I smiled softly at everyone and thanked whatever god was above that I had such amazing friends that cared so much.

everyone stayed for hours on end. they all stayed when the nurse gave me a blood test and stayed until I fell asleep that night. it was a great thing to finish the day considering the circumstances, but funnily enough I wouldnt of had it any other way. I got to see my boyfriend after what seemed like forever!!

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