4 months...

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I looked at Alisa trying not to show my emotions i felt inside, but im sure she could see the pain in my eyes. She had asked if that was all that i heard, i just nodded and continued to look at her. I just wish she would let me in on whatever she was keeping from me. This wasn't like her to keep anything from me.

I got up from where i was sitting, next to Alisa, on my bed and walked over to stare out my bedroom window. Having the view of the main street of my home town, Holmes Chapel, right outside my bedroom window was calming in a way. Looking at the busy street got my mind off what just happened. But only for a moment because i heard Alisa walk up behind me. I felt her hand on my back as she came to stand beside me.

"Pretty relaxing view don't ya think?...everyone doing their own thing. That sounds weird doesn't it?" She asked looking up at me, her blue eyes full of...I wasn't quit sure what to call it. That was one thing i love about Liss. No matter what the previous events were, she'd always have something to say that we could both relate to, that would put me in a somewhat better mood. I gave her a small smile, then looked back out onto the street.

I thought for a moment about the friendship Alisa and I had. We always did everything together and hated being apart, ever since kindergarden. We were inseprable. It didn't matter that she was a girl and i was a boy. It just worked...and i had high hopes that it would stay like that throughout our lives. Then i knew for certain, I'd tell her how i feel about her. But. I just had no idea when. I know i told myself i wasn't going to say anything. But. I just can't keep it in forever... Then i remembered she was still waiting for me to answer her.

"No Liss. It doesn't sound weird at all, I was just thinking the same thing..." I looked at her and gave her a small smile. These were the moments i cherished with Liss. We understood each other and had a bond that was unbreakable. I'd be lying if i said i didn't love her.


""No Liss. It doesn't sound weird at all, I was just thinking the same thing..." Harry spoke softly as he looked at me and gave a small smile. I don't know what i did to deserve such a great guy in my life. Let alone my best friend. I feel terrible that he was so hurt before. The fact that it was him Beth and i were talking about just makes me think he doesn't deserve to feel the hurt he felt then.

I put my arm around his waist and cuddled into his side, while he wrapped his around my shoulders. Right here, with Harry, is where i was happy.

It's been 4 months. 4 months since i realised how deeply i felt for Harry, and 3 months since his music career has sky rocketed. Him and the boys, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam, known as One Direction have been busy getting things together for their band. Everyone was obsessed with One Direction. Not me. I was happy just being Harrys best friend, but even that seemed to be a challenge lately. Harry and the boys headed straight to the USA for interviews with top notch radio stations and tv talk shows. He's been so busy that he hasn't been able to reply to my messages or my calls. Yeah i get he's a celebrity now, but i thought he would have just even a little time to reply. I missed him. A lot. The other boys too, even though i had only met them a total of 7 times. Yes, yes i did count them.

I was sitting in the Styles' kitchen with Beth when she started questioning me.

"Has Harry replied to your last few messages?" She asked sympatheticly. She knew i hadn't told Harry how i felt yet.

"No not yet. The last time i spoke to him was over 3 weeks ago."

"Ohh...I'm sure he's just extremely busy, what with signing with the record label and all those interviews. I know how much you miss him, i bet he misses you just as much." I signed and nodded my head once in agreement.

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