Movie night with 1D

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We were on the plane heading back to London, the boys and I. I was looking out the window. My mind on Alisa, my best friend, maybe one day, girlfriend...I had called her two days ago and had messaged her every chance i got after that. It nearly killed me not being able to speak to her those 3 weeks.

We were coming home a few days early, I said to the boys i didn't want to miss yet another Friday night movie night with Liss. I had missed too many already. I hadn't told her when exactly we were coming back, i wanted to surprise her.

Before we got to the airport earlier, i made sure the boys and i were ready for the movie night. Liss had told me she had continued with the Friday night movies after i had left and i felt terrible. I had said that to her and all she replied with was "Your famous now, no need to worry about a silly movie night.", but i knew to her it wasn't silly and it definately wasn't to me. Oh, did i mention, with us being ready for the movie night we made sure we were in our pajamas too?

So we showed up to the airport in just that. Hence the fact the boy band One Direction is sitting on a plane to London wearing their pajamas.

A few hours later and we landed at London airport. I had told mum and Beth that we were coming home, but made sure they kept it a surprise. They must have done a good job, because when i walked into my bedroom not long later i was bombarded with "HARRY!!" and Liss then ran and jumped on me, hugging me tightly.

"Hey Liss, I missed you so much." I whispered. I was releaved to see my best friend, my love, after so long. I soon put her down and kissed her forehead softly. I kept my arm around her waist as she greeted the boys. She went up and hugged each of them. Liss turned to face me then.

"You never told me when you were coming back."

"Well me and the boys wanted to surprise you. Plus i didn't want to miss another one of our Friday night movie nights." I said as i went and sat on the edge of my bed. She laughed lightly and sat down next to me. The guys followed suit and made themselves at home somewhere on my bed.

"I hope you don't mind us joining you on this lovely evening." Louis said to Liss, then winked at her. She gave out a short laugh.

"Oh no, not at all. It's really good to see all of you again. I missed you guys. It'll be good if you all stayed with us to watch some movies." I was happy Liss agreed to let them stay for the movies, yet i wondered when i'd get the chance to spend some time just with her.

Alisa soon realised we were all in our pajamas and laughed. She then got up and asked who wanted popcorn, i stayed silent as the boys all shouted "me".

"I'll come help." Was all i said, then we went down to the kitchen on our mission to make enough popcorn for everyone.


Harry followed me down to the kitchen. Once we got there i abruptly stopped and turned to face him. He seemed a bit startled, but quickly got over it. I looked at him, his green eyes shining as he stared back at me. Oh those eyes i missed so much. Without words, Harry pulled me into his arms for another hug. With his hand, he rubbed circles on my back. Soon enough he was humming, then started singing softly in my ear. Before i knew it we were slowly dancing to his soothing voice. He spun me out then spun me back so i was wrapped in his arms once again. I giggled at that and we continued dancing.

"Wheres th-" I heard Niall, he did a double take and stopped in his tracks. I froze and i felt my face go red. Harry turned to face Niall. We hadn't realised how long we were in the kitchen for, and we hadn't even attempted on starting to make the popcorn.

"Sorry Nialler, we got a bit..uhh distracted." Harry spoke, him and Niall looked at each other as if they were having a silent conversation, Niall then looked knowingly at Harry and shook his head laughing quietly.

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