An odd relationship between a francophile and a sinnamon roll

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An Odd Relationship between a francophile and a sinnamon roll

Alexander had his head hung low when he left debate class. None of his friends could really understand why. He was usually loud and happy and so cheerful and talkative. Now he was quiet and sad. Well, they didn't see what had happened in debate class.


"Hamilton." Jefferson scowled, taking his seat next to him. George forced them to sit next to each other, thinking that it would help them 'get along'. It really just made class worse for everybody though because they wouldn't shut up.

"Jefferson." Alexander smiled, organizing his notes for the debate that day. "Excited for the debate?"

"Excited to see you lose."
"Oh, well your excitement will be cut short."
"Oh yeah?"
"I'm not going to lose."
"Is that right?"
"I don't lose."
"Whatever, bastard."

Alexander glared, "Don't call me that." Thomas shot back, "It's what you are. You're a bastard, Hamilton. Everybody knows it too." Alex went quiet and simply turned back to his notes. Jefferson smiled in victory and began getting his notes together for the debate.

A few minutes later George started the debate and Alex went to the front, ready to talk. But, he couldn't focus. What Jefferson said was going through his head. Not everybody thinks I'm a bastard though right... do people think of me that way? They don't... right?

"Alexander?" George asked, "Are you alright?" Alexander's face was pale and he was sweating a bit. With a shaky sigh he smiled, "I'm going to have to pass this debate over to my partner, Aaron Burr. Please excuse me a moment." He explained, rushing out of the class and to the bathroom. Thomas smiled and watched for the rest of the class as the debate went downhill for Alexander's side and uphill for his own.

Meanwhile, Alex was in the bathroom muttering and crying in one of the stalls. Evebtua, he called down and walked back to class, just in time for Jefferson's side to win. He sighed and went to his seat, getting his stuff together before the bell rang.

"You don't lose huh?" Jefferson laughed, standing in front of Alexander. Alex stayed quiet. "We did the son of a whore to quiet? Just goes to show that I'm better and always will be"

"Why don't you leave me alone for once?"
"Why don't you move away?"
"I'm not moving away."
"Because you can't afford a better school."
"Because I have friends here."
"What friends?"
"Friends that care about me."
"They wouldn't even care if you killed yourself."
"Maybe you should, just to see, Alexander."

The bell rang and Alexander rushed himself to his locker, years already starting to go down his face. Jefferson laughed and shoved him as he walked by, meeting up with James Madison and James Reynolds by Aaron's locker.

When Alexander got home and stopped all of his things and immediately went to the bathroom, digging around for his razor. He remembered hiding it somewhere because Lafayette was coming over but he couldn't remember where. With a sigh of relief he found it behind some empty pill bottles.

Jefferson was at his house, working on homework when a sharp pain was felt on his wrist. He helped and looked at his wrist to see a deep, bleeding cut along his arm. He gasped as another appeared.

"Goddamn it, JAMES THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN!!!" Thomas shouted, rushing to the bathroom and grabbing towels and gauze. James rushed in with a marker and some other first aid thungs. "Tell them to stop, tell them they're sorry everything in the world, get them to live, Thomas!"

Thomas nodded and immediately started writing on the other wrist.

Hey, out the sharp thing down

Hamilton stopped and wiped his eyes, looking at the green writing that had appeared on his other wrist.

Why do you care
I'm your soulmate and I would hate it if you died... I bet you're an amazing person.
I don't even know you and you don't know me.
Doesn't mean I can't help you out. Put it down beautiful.

The cutting stopped and Jefferson smiled. He wrapped gauze around his own wrists. Then he began writing again.

Wrap your wrists up, beautiful.
But then I can't talk to you
Write on your hands, legs, anywhere.
I still... want to cut.
Whoever made you so sad is a jerk, please don't cut. Get a marker out and doodle instead. It's better. Draw designs or patterns on your body.
Okay. Thank you♡♡♡
Anytime beautiful

They stopped writing after that and Jefferson sighed. James smiled and laughed, "Youre not that much of a dick when you're actually in love." Jefferson rolled his eyes and pushed him out of the room.

He rolled his sleeves up once more and then looked at the swirled and spikes patterns appearing on his arms. He drew a heart on the top of his hand, writing beautiful in the middle of it.

Alexander blushed and continued drawing until he dozed off and went to bed.

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