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When Alexander woke up, he was covered in one of the bed sheets, bite marks, bruises, hickeys, and overflowing waterfall of regret. Thomas laid next to him, asleep and snoring softly. His hair was all frizzy and you could only see partial of his face sticking out of the mess. He looked quite adorable, like an innocent boy that didn't just have heated sex with his soulmate.

Alexander sat up and checked his phone. It was around 11:30 am, meaning that he officially slept in after sex. Once you hit 11, you're sleeping in. He stood up and grabbed his bathrobe, wrapping it around his body and blushing when he noticed how sore his legs felt. God, how hard had Jefferson gone last night?

Alexander walked to the bathroom and shut the door, not bothering to lock it and stripping down. The hot water felt absolutely amazing as he dipped into the tub, sinking into the bubbles and water. He was such a sucker for a hot soothing bath. His eyes eventually shut and he relaxed in the silence, not realizing that the door had slowly opened.

"Well, isn't this a sight~" Jefferson whistled, only wearing boxers and a loose tshirt that Alexander recognized from the bottom of his drawers. Alex blushed and covered himself with the bubbles, looking up at him. "H-Hey, Thomas. Sorry if I woke you I didn't think to be a bit quiet." He laughed nervously, sinking down. Thomas sat by the side of the tub and put a glop of bubbles onto Alexander's head. "It's okay. You didn't wake me up, babe." Thomas whispered, leaning in for a kiss. Alex, in return, blew bubbles in his face. Thomas burst into laughter and threw bubbles back at him. "C'mon Alex! Not even one little kiss come on!"

Alex sighed and kissed his cheek. "Just one." He smiled. Thomas muttered bullcrap and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, causing the water to slosh around and then onto Jefferson's shirt. "Jesus Christ tHAT'S REALLY HOT ALEX!"

"I like the water when it's hot, it feels numbing."
"Yeah because it's burning your flesh off! Turn it down a bit!"
"But, I like it hot. You should try it."
"... Are you inviting me into the tub, Hamilton?"

Alexander turned red and scooted over as best as he could in the tub. "W-Well, if you want to come in, you can. There's enough room, I'm sure." He stammered, looking down at the bubbles floating around. Thomas had a smug smirk on his face as he stood up and stripped down, his boxers falling to the ground as he got into the tub next to Alex. He laid back and ALex sat in front of him, his pale head leaning against Thomas' tan chest. He wrapped one arm around Alex's waist while the other hung loosely outside the tub. Bubbles floated by Alex's face and he sneezed while he realized that the water was kinda high. And the water was a bit hot. How did he not notice this? Thomas seemed relaxed though.

"Okay, so it ain't that bad, I suppose." Thomas mumbled, kissing Alex's head. Alex's face was still red as a tomato and he realized THAT was why he felt so hot. He sunk into the water a bit so only his nose and eyes were out of it and Thomas giggled a bit, plopping some bubbles onto the top of his head. Alex put some in Thomas' hair, giggling at the hilarious resemblance. It was like you simply dyed part of his hair a bright white color. Alex ended up laughing so hard he snorted, which caused Thomas to laugh as well.

The bathroom door swiftly and Alex gasped when John Laurens walked in, his face immediately turning red. "SWEET SOUTH CAROLINA DAMN ALEX GET SOME HOLY CRAP." He shouted as he turned away and closed his eyes, only partially leaving him to privacy. "ONLY 19 BUT DAMN YOUR GOALS ARE OLDER, ALEX!" Alex hid his face in Thomas' chest, blushing and groaning a simple, "Go away, Laurens!" Thomas laughed a bit and looked at John. "Hey, Laurens. Sorry about all the-"

"Don't even worry about it! If Alex is cool with you, I can try to be cool with you too. I mean, not as cool as Alex is with you, I think it would be a bit uncomfortable to get into the bath with you. Unless you want to, I'd like a dinner and movie first buuuuuut-"
"Alex, you said we would all hang out today. Your place? Remember? We scheduled this last week?"

Burned in our Skin ((jamilton))Where stories live. Discover now