Alexander kinda acts like Sherlock Holmes no not the BBC version god

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(I drew hamilton with a dumb face)

Thomas kinda acts like Sherlock Holmes no not the BBC version god

The next day, Alexander skipped school. He doesn't know why, he just really didn't want to be there. So he instead went to Barnes and noble, buying a crap ton of books and reading in starbucks. Writing appeared on his arm around the time he would have been in debate class. Alex chuckled a bit and began talking to his soulmate.

I skipped school
Why? Are you ok?
Why do you care so much?

Jefferson let a curse out under his breath. How was he supposed to explain why he cared when he didn't even know this person?

I wanna meet you. I'll get out of school just to see you.
Really? Where do you live?
New York City, baby

"Baby," Hamilton giggled, "He calls me baby." He wrote back.

That's great Starbucks. Clifford drive. Now if available. If not come anyway.
Im on it. See you there, just gotta get out of debate.

Alexander froze. Debate? I take debate. But, this couldn't be somebody I know right?... right? He just sighed and ordered another coffee, closing up his books and setting them on the ground. Alex didn't really want his first impression to be that he was a bookworm that skipped school all the time. Taking a deep breath he pulled out a notebook and started doodling. It was actually helping a lot with his nerves. Hearts were littered across the paper along with stars and swirls and flowers. God, he loved flowers. He wondered if his soulmate likes flowers.

Who is my soulmate? Alex didn't know anything about his soulmate. Gender (not that he had a preference), age, likes, dislikes, race (again not that he had any preferences), or anything else. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, not sure if this was a good idea. But, it'll just be like a regular blind date! You've been on plenty of those! His mind counterclaimed.

The front door opened and he gasped, quickly looking down at his stuff. No... oh my god do not tell me he is my soulmate for the rest of eternity... He put his hood up, grabbed his things, and rushed out. When Alex was finally outside he peaked in the store window, pain in his eyes as he watched Thomas Jefferson look around for his soulmate.

He got his marker out and wrote.

Sorry, something came up.

He began to cry as he watched Jefferson frown and write back.

That's okay, beautiful. We can reschedule for another day.
I was thinking we could talk more.
That sounds great, love. Let's do that

Alexander started to sob as soon as he got in his car. Thomas Jefferson was his soulmate and only loved him by writing, not by sight. My soulmate wants me dead... but he wants me alive.... Alexander huffed and went home, Thomas Jefferson on his brain.

He stormed to his bedroom and slammed the door.

I wanna hurt myself.
Dont, I love you and I would die if you left before I could meet you.
I hate myself. Everybody hates me.
I don't.

He angrily scribbled out the previous letters.

There's a guy at my school and he makes me feel like shit every single day.
Want me to beat him up?
No I just... don't know what to do...
Can you fight?
No, I had to pay a crap ton of money to get into the school I can't get in trouble or I'm out.
Ignore him. He wants a reaction.
thank you
anytime beautiful

Alexander sobbed and wiped his eyes. He got a notebook out and began doodling once again. His nerves slowly settled into place, his once jagged and spiked doodles now forming into soft and smooth ones. He had to talk to somebody about this, somebody that would stay quiet and wouldn't gossip about it. Of course, that only left John Laurens and James Madison. John Laurens was never alone and would never willingly be alone and James Madison was best friends with Thomas, a direct pipe line to his humiliation pretty much.

He huffed and pulled his phone out, going to John's contact. Alex didnt like the idea of texting about something like this. It could easily be screenshotted and showed to anybody. But, John had a thing with being alone during serious conversations, so he would respect that for John's sake.

Shortbifurious: John. We need to talk about something very important.

John was hanging out with Herc and Lafayette, all teasing each other about having a threesome. So basically the usual conversation they always had. His phone buzzes and he opened it up, not thinking twice about letting the others see their chats. Aaron Burr was also there, being quiet and awkward while they all jokes about sex and shit. He looked at John's screen as well, holding back a sly grin.

Shortbifurious: I was writing to my soulmate and asked them to meet me at Starbucks so we could meet and it went downhill. Jefferson walked in. After a little test I found out that's hes my soulmate and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO I AM SO ANGRY AND SAD.

Turtleboi: you live up to your contact name.
Shortbifurious: JOHN I NEED HELP
Turtleboi: keep writing with him, learn about each other. He'll fall in love with you and then when you meet it won't be so... awkward and hateful.
Shortbifurious: what if that doesn't work?
Turtleboi: idk.

"I can't believe Alex's soulmate is the biggest dick in school!" Hercules laughed, "Too bad he wasn't like me. I got the cutest boy in school!" Lafayette blushed and leaned on his arm, taking in his scent. He always smelled like the beach and sunshine. John rolled eyes. "I feel bad. Thomas might not even be gay. But, let's not spread this around. Deal?" The others all nodded in agreement, promising not to tell anybody about the secret. All except Aaron Burr, who had snuck out of the room right when he read the first text.

He went home and got out some paper, writing down his new step by step plan of how he was going to ruin Alexander hamilton's life.

Meanwhile, Alexander got out some of his own paper, writing down his new step by step plan of how he was going to get Jefferson to hate him less.

Hercules, Lafayette, and John all went to the bedroom and played twister. Yup. What else would they be doing? Twister is a fun game, get your head out of the gutter.

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