It's a Happy Chapter I Swear

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Alex woke up not because of the sun annoyingly shining in his eyes, not from the smell of crispy bacon cooking somewhere in the house, and not from the alarm clock blaring next to the bed.

No, he woke up because of the emptiness in the spot next to him on the bed. Thomas wasn't here next to him, and he noticed that he had been moved to the comfort of his own bed.

The scent of the bacon was still in the air and Alex chuckled a bit, getting up and putting on some sweats. He picked up Thomas' coat, shrugging it around his shoulders and walking out to the kitchen to see his boyfriend.

Boyfriend, God, the word still sounded beautiful to Alexander.

Thomas was in the kitchen with his earbuds on. Some music, Alex couldn't tell what, was blaring at full volume from them, blocking out any type of sound that wasn't the music.

With a giggle, Alex snuck up behind Thomas and grabbed his shoulders, causing Thomas to jump and spin around, grabbing Alexander's wrist.

His face held a glare and his mouth was in a scowl. Thomas's grip was so tight around his wrists that Alex could literally feel it starting to bruise. Alex quickly flinched back, the glare and scowl seeming to click with memories of his father that lingered in his head.

After realizing it was his beloved Alexander, he softened and loosened his grip on Alexander's wrist. He did not let go but instead brought his wrist up to his lips and kissed any spot where he might have bruised Alex.

"Babe, you scared the hell out of me." Thomas muttered, letting go of his wrist and letting it drop limp at Alexander's side. Alex didn't answer and just looked down, getting a hold of Thomas' hand and intertwining their fingers.

Thomas whispered carefully, "Baby, are you okay?" Alex shook his head a bit and mumbled, "Mhmm. I'm fine." The actions didn't match up and Thomas could see Alexander's shoulders beginning to shake a bit.

He sighed and hugged Alex, rubbing circles on his back and kissing every part of his face that he could. Alexander let a couple of tears slip and he sniffed.

"Baby, oh my God, I would never hurt you like that if I had known it was you, I swear! I just. Okay, I don't have an explanation, but I would never hurt you! You know that right?" Thomas rambled, holding Alexander's chin up.

Alex nodded, laying his head on Thomas's chest. Thomas reached behind himself and shut the stove off, managing to take the pan of bacon off the stove with only one hand.

They separated and Thomas handed Alexander a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and pancakes. Alex thanked him and sat next to him in the living room.

He leaned his head on Thomas's shoulder while Thomas searched for something to watch on TV. It almost seemed hopeless to find a good channel so he eventually just left it to some random second hand comedy show with no good plot structure.

"Hey, Thomas, are we still gonna fight in debate?" Alex asked, shoving a forkful of pancake and syrup in his mouth while he talked. Thomas rolled his eyes and got a napkin out.

He wiped Alexander's face and answered, "I don't think we'll fight as much as we usually do. A bit less, but I'm sure we're still gonna have disagreements." Thomas crumpled it up and tossed it to the trash can, smiling when it landed perfectly inside.

"Alright, well, just know that whatever I say in debate, I love you more than anything else in the world, okay?" Alex smiled, holding his hand. Thomas kissed his cheek and nodded, "I know."

Debate, so far, was absolutely awkward for anybody that wasn't Thomas or Alexander. They had practically been eye fucking each other all of class and insulting each other left and right like no tomorrow.

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