Oh boy oh no oh god

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Oh boy oh no oh god

Starbucks was warm, unlike the cold, empty feeling in Jefferson's heart. He didn't know what it was. Every single day he had felt perfect and happy as usual, but recently he's been feeling empty, like there isn't even anything there. Like he's an NPC in a video game. No intelligence, no purpose. Just there to fill the empty space in the world. He was sitting in a tall chair at a tall table, an untouched peppermint mocha frappuccino sitting next to him. He sighed, reading his book on famous broadway musicals of the 1970's. But, he still felt empty and lonely and cold, even though he was sitting right next to the heating vent.

His right eye was swollen up into a purple and black looking mess and his nose had to be popped back into place yesterday by James Madison. Which, hurt more than life itself. Hamilton had done quite a number on him, and Thomas couldn't understand why he didn't hit back harder. There was something holding him back, but what? It couldn't be some connection with Hamilton right? A tight feeling grip around his wrist and he pulled out his trusty black marker, beginning to write.

Babe, what's wrong? Are you ok?
Yes I'm just nervous to meet you.
Don't worry it's like

Jefferson paused and then continued writing

Like a blind date ♡♡♡
Ok I'm almost there

Alexander was down the block, making his way downtown to the starbucks. I'm going to meet Jefferson. We're going to talk and stuff. It'll be fine. He'll probably ditch me or bring me outside and beat the crap out of me for a round two. But, whatever. I have things I need to get off my chest.

Hamilton stood in front of the starbucks door, took a deep breath, and stepped inside. He walked up to the front, ordered a vanilla frappuccino, and sat on a table across the room from Jefferson. Thomas immediately noticed that Alexander walked in and he shot him a glare, turning back to his arm and starting to write.

My enemy just walked in, the one that beat me up
That guy I was talking about is here
What? You're here? There's only 2 peeps here tho babe

Thomas stopped and slowly put the marker down. He looked over at Alexander with a dark expression. Alexander looked back with sad eyes and a worried smile. Sadly, Jefferson walked over to Alexander and sat across from him at the table, not speaking, not moving. It was silent until Alexander spoke.

"I saw you that first day we were going to meet. I got scared, so I ran home... I thought that if we t-talked more we... you wouldn't hate me so much..." Alexander began to cry as he buried his head in his arms. Thomas simply watched, pained to see him in such a way. But, he was so confused. He was angry because his soulmate was his worst enemy that BEAT HIM UP yesterday, he was happy because he finally met his soulmate when most people don't and die alone, he was sad because Alex was crying and felt so hated, and he was perplexed because he had absolutely no idea what to do about all of the emotions going through his head. He sighed and rubbed Alexander's arm, moving his hair out of the way of his face. "I need... I need some time to think about this," Thomas mumbled, placing his hand on top of Alexander's, "I need to think this over..." Alexander nodded and wiped his eyes.

"I'm so sorry about... your eye... and your nose..." Alexander mumbled. Thomas nodded a bit and stood up. "I'll write to you." He said, a sad smile. Alex nodded and they went their separate ways. Alex ordered 5 more coffees; Thomas gave his coffee to Alex as an apology.

Alexander went to John's house and laid on his couch for 3 hours. He had an extra key to his apartment ever since he was told to watch over his turtle while John was at a family reunion in South Carolina. When John finally got home from his job at PetSmart and saw Alexander, he rushed to get him a pillow, a blanket, some tissues, and a bowl of ice cream. He helped Alexander sit up a bit and then hugged him. "Tell me all about it, Alex." He whispered, handing him the box of tissues with a smile. Alexander blew his nose and began to speak. He explained the entire set up, what went down, the emotions he felt, and then started on what he was going to do next.

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