I love sick fluffy scenes okay geez

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Thomas was at home, scrolling through Twitter, what else, and eating macaroni and cheese. There was a large pot of it on the stove, waiting for a second person to come along and eat some.

Alex was supposed to be there ten minutes ago, and he still hasn't texted back. He was starting to get worried, but couldn't bring himself to get off the couch. He wasn't too worried about Alexander because he knew that he was strong and could take care of himself. Except that he couldn't.

Alexander, almost right when he got home, fell to the floor in short, panicked breaths and coughs. He had to crawl to his bathroom and heave out his insides, sobbing and clutching the toilet so hard that his knuckles were white. Everything hurt so so much.

His entire body felt like there were weights being held on every muscle, forcing gravity to increase on him. His throat was sore and his vocal chords were almost completely shot out, so the only sound he could make were soft, quiet, scratchy pleas for help.

But, of course nobody could hear him. This wasn't a panic attack, no he knew what that felt like. This was sickness. Awful, horrifying sickness. It was almost as horrible as the sickness he had gotten when he was nine, lying with his mother with both feet in the grave.

His hands searched his pockets for his phone before he realized it wasn't in there. He left it in the kitchen. With a groan of pain and exhaustion he managed to stand up by grabbing the table, and he went to the kitchen.

Alexander was suddenly very grateful that his apartment was small. His hands must have been slippery from wiping the sickness off his chin, because his hand lost hold of the table and he broke into sobs, so close to praying to God but not quite there.

While dialing whatever number was in his head, he made his way to the couch and laid down, putting the phone to his ear. Alex prayed he had some voice left in him. But, the coughing had taken quite the toll.

He couldn't even figure why he was sick. Was it the lack of sleep? Lack of eating? Lack of everything? God's punishment for making out in the school library? There was ringing on the phone and almost an immediate answer. His heart skipped a beat when he heard Thomas Jefferson's southern, angelic voice.

"Alex? Hey where are you I got a nice seat on my lap with your name on it~" Thomas flirted, keeping the phone in between his ear and his shoulder. He was getting more macaroni and cheese, frowning when he realized there wasn't much left.

Did he really eat an entire pot of mac and cheese? Yes, yes he did. As he was grabbing another box he realized the other end of the phone line was almost silent. Almost.

"Tom..." Alex whispered, his voice barely audible. He sounded like he was dying, maybe he was, and his head was slick with sweat. He began taking his coat off, very slow so his arms didn't give out from the effort.

"Come over... I'm... s... sick...." He coughed out, quickly grabbing the trash can nearby and muffling the phone to the couch. When he was finished he was back on the phone, listening to Thomas ramble off worries.

"Are you okay? You sound like you're dying are you sure you're alright? I'm coming over right now I'm getting in the car. I have soup in a container, water, ice, well, the ice is gonna melt by the time I get there but I'm sure you've got ice. Have you been sleeping and eating and all the other necessary things that fucking human beings need, Alex? Sweet Jesus Christ in heaven above please answer! Anything?"

He went silent and Alex whispered, "I'm okayish."

"Are you sure?" Thomas rushed, already close to the apartment building Alex lived in. Alexander coughed out, "Yeah just," He fell into a coughing fit of gasps and heaves. "Quick." He managed out before he had to hang up and clutch the trash can to his chest once again.

Thomas started speeding and practically slammed the car into amazing parallel parking. He rushed inside and almost had a heart attack when he saw Alexander's door partially open. Thomas ran inside and went straight to Alex, holding his head up and placing one hand on his forehead.

"Jesus Christ you are completely covered in sweat and your as hot as the sun what the FUCK Alex!" He scolded, helping him lay down on the couch and placing a pillow under his head. "Youre hotter than usual and thats almost impossible."

Alex mumbled something along the lines of an apology but Thomas ignored him, walking to the kitchen and getting a towel. He put it under cold water and then went back to Alex, placing it over his forehead and forcing him to open his eyes.

They were red and puffy from his crying and Thomas took note of the awful bags under his eyes. "Oh my God, baby." Thomas mumbled, kissing his cheek. Alexander whispered another apology, his right hand weakly playing with strands of his curly hair.

"S-Sorry, love." Alex whispered, his voice returning just enough to manage some words. Thomas kissed his head and went to the kitchen. He rushed, searching for bread, the toaster, and butter.

Alex needed something in his stomach. Judging from the color of what was in the trash can, Thomas deduced that Alexander hadn't been eating and that was just the acid liquid stuff left in his stomach.

After ten minutes, of running around taking care of Alex, he sat down and let Alex lay his head in his lap, closing his eyes and fake sleeping for Thomas.

Thomas had put the movie Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead in and was just watching it, keeping one hand on Alexander's head to make sure his temperature wasn't too high. He seemed to be getting better rather quickly to Thomas's surprise. He hadn't expected him to be getting better so quickly.

"You don't have to fake sleep for me, Alex." Thomas whispered, rubbing his back a bit. Alex yawned and mumbled, "I'm trying to, I really am." He blinked away his sleepiness. "But, I've mentally trained myself to stay awake at all times." Thomas looked at Alex and shook his head, looking at the clock.

"Alright, it's getting late, so you better train yourself to start sleeping or I will force you to sleep." Thomas said, laying down and pulling Alex close to him.

"I don't want you getting any more sick because you weren't taking care of yourself. So, from now on, I'm gonna be watching you. 24/7 okay? Like, all the time because I care about you, Alex."

Alexander looked up at Thomas and smiled. He nodded and mouthed an okay, closing his eyes and already starting to drift off to sleep. Thomas kissed his head, holding him close to his chest.

"Don't even think about waking me up for school either because you are going to be staying by my side all day tomorrow Alex. Got it?" Alex nodded subconsciously.

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