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Alexander walked into debate, his head low. Aaron Burr called out, "Hey, Hamilton, come here!" He went over to his desk and looked down at him. Class didn't start for another ten minutes so he didn't see the harm in having some frenemy chat before the teacher came in to start class. Aaron lowered his voice with a sly grin. "So, a little birdy told me that you're soulmates with a certain southern accented man. Is this true? Rhymes with Whomas Shefferson?" Alexander gasped and covered his own mouth, leaning down to Aaron's level. "Who told you that Aaron Burr I swear to God if you tell another living soul I will-"

"You'll what, Hamilton?"
"If you snap at me again... I'll just go ahead and tell him... Unless the price is right."
"Of course, you want money?"
"$300 a week or else I'll tell him immediately. I'll also tell the entire school if you try to cheat me."

Aaron was leaning back in his chair, aware of his victory by Hamilton's silence. Alexander nodded a bit and then spoke, "Fine. Whatever, Burr." He walked back to his seat, worry in his every step. Alex sat down and put his head in his hands. The bell rang loud and clear and people piled into the room, including the one and only Thomas Jefferson. Aaron sent him a glance and an evil smile. Alexander looked away, pulling out his laptop and beginning to take notes. Thomas took his seat and smiled at Alexander.

"Hey, Hamilton!"
"Guess what?"
"Are you about to name a reason that you're better-"
"I almost met my soulmate!"

Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm! He's amazing, and probably beautiful, and talented, and sweet!"
"That's great, Jefferson."
"I bet you wish you had a soulmate that amazing!"
"Oh, no, my soulmate is perfect."

Jefferson scoffed and sneered, "Oh is he?" Alexander smiled, ready to have some fun. "Yes. My soulmate tells me im perfect everyday. He says I love you, doesn't mind my doodling, loves what I have to say, and we aren't planning on meeting until we know more about each other." Alex bragged as Aaron laughed like crazy on the other side of the room. Thomas huffed and rolled his eyes, "Have you guys met?" Alex shook his head and went back to his writing. "No, We don't wanna meet yet."

"That's stupid."
"Whatever, Thomas."
"You're a complete idiot, Alexander."
"You'll regret your words one day, Jefferson."
"No, I won't. You're a piece of shit with no parents and you're gonna die alone. You're loud, obnoxious, a complete moron, and you're only still in school because you're Mr. Washington's slut."

Mr. Washington stepped into the class and immediately began class, writing things up on the old fashioned chalk board. Thomas wrote something on a piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it at Alexander's head.


Alex teared up a bit and shoved the paper in his pocket, focusing back on Mr. Washington. But Jefferson's insults still lingered in the back of his brain, pulling at his heart strings and cutting up his self esteem into confetti pieces for Thomas Jefferson's birthday. Meanwhile, Aaron was still glancing at him, a permanent reminder of the debt he had to pay to keep his pride.His stomach started to churn at the thought of Jefferson rejecting him when he found out. His vision was getting blurry, signifying that he had to get out of there and somewhere private. Alex raised his hand, rushed to the bathroom, and locked himself in a stall. He dropped to his knees and began to sob, hugging himself and digging his nails into his arms. Everything felt painful. Breathing felt painful. Living felt painful. His life destroying thoughts were interrupted when the entry door to the bathroom opened and then shut with a slam.

"You doing alright, Hamilton?" John's soft voice echoed in the bathroom and Alexander let out a sigh of relief. Weakly standing up he mumbled, "No. Aaron." He stepped into the open space of the bathroom, looking at John with tear filled eyes. "Aaron h-he... he knows about me and Jeffers-son being soulmates and he... he's blackmailing m-me to... to give him money in exchange for him not t-telling Thomas and I... John I don't know what to d-do!!!" He sobbed, hugging John and burying his tear stained face in his neck. John wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him close. He rubbed circles into Alexander's back. The bathroom door opened once again and Thomas stepped in with a smug grin.

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