I will force you to feel sorry for this hormonal asshole in lilac

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Alex woke up at 11, his nose stuffy and stomach churning. The toast didn't settle well in his stomach, and yet his nose was still able to be hypnotized by whatever Thomas was making in the kitchen.

But, his stomach betrayed him and he sat up. Alex walked away to the bathroom and Thomas was there in a flash. He held his hair up and rubbed his back, making sure that it went as smoothly as possible.

Alexander mumbled, "Tommy." But that was all he could manage out before he was pouring out more of his insides.

"I know, I know. Just relax for me okay? Can you do that for me, sweetheart?" Thomas whispered, kissing the back of his neck. Alex nodded and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

Thomas rolled his eyes and grabbed some toilet paper, wiping his mouth and chin. "Don't wipe it on your sleeves that's gross, Alex, come on." Alex smiled and looked back at Thomas.

"If you don't shut up I'll just wipe it on you." Thomas picked Alex up bridal style and brought him back into the living room. He gently laid him down on the couch and tucked him in under the blanket.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get you some ginger ale. So, I'm heading to the corner store, but I'll be back as soon as I can okay?" Thomas checked Alexander's temperature and then grabbed his keys. Alexander was alone again.

Aaron paced. It was a common act that he did when he was deep in thought. But, now it was especially bad. He only bit his nails when sad, and apparently now he was sad. He only tugged at his hair when he was upset or nervous. In all honesty, he felt both.

He doesn't know what he was thinking bribing Alex for money. One part of him tells him it would have been better if he had told the school immediately of Alexander's soulmate. But another part says he shouldn't have done anything in the first place.

Aaron never liked jealousy, but at this point it seemed that was all he could feel towards the world. He was always jealous of somebody new every day. It was a trait that he wasn't sure where he got it from. His mother and father were nice people and somehow they gave birth to this stupid, jealous idiot.

Aaron collapsed on his bed, his ankles in serious pain from pacing for three and a half hours or so. Maybe he was exaggerating, but Aaron could care less.

He was acting like a dick towards people that didn't deserve it. Sure, Hamilton was cocky and annoying and a loud mouth and vulgar and flirted too much and was a total asshole to everybody he came in contact with that wasn't John Laurens but...

"No," Aaron forced out a laugh, "He deserves it." Aaron sat up and picked up his now cold cup of tea, taking a sip anyway. It left a sour taste in his mouth and he pushed it away with one hand while rubbing his eyes with the other.

"Or maybe I'm the dick here. A real stick in the mud to romance... A dick... A dick in the mud." Aaron silently congratulated himself on coming up with that even if it wasn't that amazing. Slowly, his smile faded away and he stared at the ceiling with a blank expression.

"Good job, Aaron," He mumbled to himself and the ceiling, "You can't get boys to like you because you never talk to them and then when they go off with other boys you get way too jealous instead of, hmmm I don't know, trying to solve the goddamn problem."

Aaron went quiet and sat up, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Aaaaaaand you talk to yourself. No, no there are definitely no psychopathic tendencies going on here." Aaron flopped back on the bed once again.

It's short I'm sorry sue me bye

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