"It was all for you though..."

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Washington got on the phone with Hamilton Saturday afternoon. He was pacing his office, reading over Hamilton's papers and ideas and plans for the company.

It was all jumbled, a rambling mess. Deep down he knew it was because Hamilton wasn't getting enough sleep, but that did not excuse the fact that he had to have these papers done and only 3 of the 50 pages were making sense to him.

"Yes, sir?" Alex said, pushing Thomas off of him and sitting up in bed. Thomas huffed and wiped his mouth, laying next to him with a bored expression.

Hamilton had fresh marks all over his neck and chest and Thomas was about to get to the good part, but the phone call happened. "Hamilton, I swear to God," Thomas sighed, "I would like one moment of sex with you where work is not involved." Alex held up a finger, shushing him.

"Hamilton, the work you've submitted to me is barely readable and really only 3 or 4 pages of it are usable for the company. It's weak and unreliable. We have to go with a different plan."

"But, sir, you know that my plan is a work of genius!"

"It's idiotic, actually. Son, you know I support you in your ideas and I trust that you are a very smart man but this company needs something greater than what you're supplying. Now, Charles Lee's plan-"

"Lee?! That man is an idiotic piece of shit who has never given you any respect!"

Washington snapped, "Watch your tone, son." Hamilton stood up from the bed and paced back and forth.

"My plan is genius and you know it! You're being a complete-"

"Watch it, Hamilton!"
"Sir, just let me rewrite it and I'll try again!"
"We need something now, son!"

Hamilton slammed his fist on the wall and shouted, "CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME GODDAMMIT!" He heard Thomas gasp and the silence on the other line.

A sudden horror flooded his system and he ramble, "Sir,I am so so so sorry please do not be angry with me I was completely out of line you do not have to use my work it's bullcrap I am so sorry for yelling at you."

Washington interrupted, "Whatever, Mr.Hamilton. We'll talk about it tomorrow in my office in the morning." He hung up before Alexander could say another word.

Alex tossed his phone onto the bed and rubbed his eyes, wishing he hadn't done what he had just done. Thomas walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Baby, I'm sure that it'll be f-"
"News flash, Jefferson! It's already a miracle I got the job at such a young age!"
"Yeah, but, you're Washington's favorite worker and you're valuable to the company. You'll be fine, i'm sure of it."
"You don't get it, Jefferson, okay?! Just shut up already trying to lie to me that everything's okay!"

Thomas pulled his hand away just before Hamilton moved away and stormed into his private study. He stood there in silence, looking at the spot that Hamilton was just standing in.

The room suddenly felt much too big. Goosebumps appeared on his arms and he put on a jacket, even though that was just as cold as the tension in the room. He walked into Hamilton's study and frowned.

Hamilton was pacing around, muttering to himself and pulling at his own hair. Thomas frowned at the sight but knew that trying to get him to calm down was next to impossible.

So, instead, he leaned on the wall and spoke softly and carefully, afraid that he would only anger him more.

"Alex," He mumbled, "I'm sorry." He knew that he wasn't the one in the wrong just as much as he knew that Alexander would never apologize first.

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