Sometimes, You Can Wait Before Writing Back

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Alexander, somehow, managed to find a random pen in the couch cushions. He rolled his sleeves up and began to write along his wrist. BUY ME ICE CREAM, he wrote in all caps for Thomas to be able to see.

He could just imagine Thomas driving down the road and then seeing the letters appear on his skin. Alex could imagine Thomas letting out a sigh of annoyance and probably writing back some snarky comment, love littered throughout the tone though. Words appeared on his wrist and he couldn't help but laugh.

What kind dork? Was written in a glittery hot pink color. It was times like these that Alex knew it was Thomas he was talking to. Of course he always knew that he was talking to Thomas but sometimes it was just so plainly obvious it was his beloved Thomas. His Thomas and nobody else's Thomas. His. God, he loved that he had Thomas. All to himself with no complications and no problems.

How about chocolate?
Alright you took too long I am already buying several kinds including that
I love you baby doll
I am blushing so hard I love you 2
I can't wait to get home and kiss you all over
Never beautiful
Feisty huh~
Aw geez

Alexander fell back onto the couch and covered his face, groaning in annoyance at his boyfriend's ability to completely shatter all of his tough guy walls. Thomas was just the most adorable, nicest person in the world to him and he was never quite sure how he could be so perfect.

Thomas had the exact same thoughts as Alexander. He thought Alexander was the most perfect guy that anybody could get and often wonder how he landed such a perfect guy.

Thomas sighed and looked down at his wrist, annoyed that he couldn't answer because he was driving. He didn't want his love to worry and knew well enough that if he didn't write back immediately then Alexander would worry about him. With a sigh he managed to drive with one hand and held a pen in the other hand. He sloppily wrote back on his hand.

I love y

Thomas heard a honk and whipped his head up. He shouted a curse, whichever one was on his mind, and swerved the wheel to dodge the other car on the road.

A short sigh of relief escaped his lips before he rammed straight into a semi, his car getting knocked off the road and into the ditch. He hit his head on the window and his vision faded to black.

Alexander stared at his hand, confused as to why it was unfinished. Maybe he was in the car? Driving so he couldn't write back? Got sidetracked? His paranoia kicked in and he grabbed his phone. He pulled up Thomas's number and texted him.

Babe you okay?
You didn't finish the writing
Or it was smudged?

Thomas didn't answer. Alexander sat up on the couch and slipped his shoes on, ready to go find him.

Babe you're starting to scare me are you okay?

Thomas still didn't answer. "Mother fucker if you're just sidetracked I'm gonna kick your ass." Alexander snapped to nobody as he got in his car and struggled to start the old as hell engine. It gurgled with defiance and Hamilton let out a groan of annoyance.

He would never be able to catch a taxi at this time of day and Hamilton was not in the mood for any of this bullshit. "I'm overreacting again, aren't I, dad?" He growled, the memory of his father's scolding voice coming into his brain.

Alex always got upset about dumb things like this and overreacted to no end. His father would yell at him, arguing with him that it wasn't a big deal, even though it usually was.

Alexander's dad was kind of a huge asshole. Alexander knew this very well and pushed his thoughts away as his phone began to ring. He picked it up immediately and listened.

"Mr. Washington?"

Alexander was highly confused as to why Mr. Washington had Thomas's phone and to why he was answering instead of his dear Thomas.

"Mr. Washington why do you have Jefferson's phone? I need to talk to him he hasn't been answering my texts and-" Mr. Washington interrupted him with a low and soft voice.

"Alexander... Thomas just got into a car accident."

Alexander swore his heart stopped and he blanked for a full 5 seconds. Everything froze and Alex had to make sure that he heard his favorite teacher correctly.

"I'm sorry, repeat that I thought you just said my Thomas is fucking hurt and I wasn't called sooner to hELP HIM!" He shouted, slamming the car door and walking down the street.

Before he knew it he was running, desperately hoping he could get to the hospital sooner than the time he thought he would probably get there.

"He's okay and they're bringing him to the hospital. He's breathing and awake and going to be alright. Are you... Is that you running down fourth street because I'm down the street if you need a ride." Washington nervously laughed, pulling up next to Hamilton on the street.

But once he saw the tears in Alexander's eyes he wiped his smile away. In silence they drove to the hospital. Alexander was bouncing his leg impatiently, praying to God that George was right and then his dear Thomas was okay.

For the first time in a very long time, Alexander prayed. He prayed to the God above that Thomas was going to live and not be hurt. Not a single beautiful, curly black hair on Thomas's head deserves to be hurt and I do NOT want that to happen.

The nurse wouldn't let them see him, not being family or a husband of a sort. So, Alexander and George waited in the waiting room for about two and a half hours, bored out of their minds.

Washington asked, "So are you two, like,... a thing?" Alexander nodded in response, skimming over the smudged pen on his arms. Washington saw it and smiled.

He remembered when him and Martha found out they were soulmates. Alexander sniffed and wiped his eyes. He buried himself in a magazine and tried to hide his tears from the rest of the people in the waiting room.

...Thomas please be okay...

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