"I Can't Lose You Too!" / "You won't. I'm always here."

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"I Can't Lose You Too!" / "You Won't. I'm Always Here."

"Hey," Washington sighed, moving the magazine away.

"It's okay to cry, son. Your loved one is in the hospital after getting into a car crash. Everybody needs to cry sometimes anyway." Washington reassured him, rubbing his back for comfort.

Hamilton huffed and scooted away. "I'm not your son and I'm fine."

Washington retreated back to what he was doing, glancing at Alex here and there to check if he was okay. A nurse walked into the room. Short blonde hair and shimmering blue eyes. In a thick british accent she called, "Whoever was here to see Mr. Thomas Jefferson-"

Alexander leapt up out of his seat, hope in his eyes. "Me, that's me." Washington slowly stood up and put his phone away. "Us. That would be us, Hamilton." She led the way to a room on the fourth floor of the hospital.

Jefferson laid in a bed, playing on his phone with his non dominant hand. His other hand was bandaged tightly. Alexander saw that both arms were restrained to the hospital bed. Washington began to wonder how he managed to get a hold of his phone.

"I cracked the magic color window." Thomas mumbled with a dopey grin. He was under some type of sedative medicine no doubt. Alexander ran to him and kissed him, holding him as close and tight as he could against the hospital's restraints.

"Why is he restrained?" Alexander snapped, glaring at the nurse. Washington mumbled an apology to her and rubbed Alexander's back, trying to calm him down.

"Excuse him, he gets angry when... feeling literally any type of emotion too much." He apologized. She smiled and shook her head.

"It's okay," She responded, "It's the usual worried loved one. Mr.Jefferson was desperately trying to get out of the bed and we still hadn't patched him up. He was thrashing around calling out for an Alexander Hamilton?" Alexander looked at Thomas and kissed him.

"My mouth tastes like blue." Thomas mumbled, giggling a bit. "Blue is good stuffs." Alexander couldn't help but chuckle. He continued leaving kisses all over Thomas's face while the nurse began undoing the restraints.

"He's fine now obviously. Shockingly, he didn't break any bones in the crash. Got knocked out and beaten up pretty bad with cuts from the glass but besides that he's fine."

"Oh thank God," Hamilton sighed, taking in a nice deep breath after letting out a sigh of relief. Thomas giggled and stared up at Hamilton in confusion.

"He's been very... talkative." The nurse stated, looking at her clipboard with furrowed eyebrows. "You look pretty, darling." Thomas slurred, poking Alexander's cheek.

"He can go home now just make sure to keep those wounds under some clean gauze. His emergency contact is also under the name Alexander Hamilton."

"That's me." Alex smiled, holding Thomas's hands. Thomas giggled and mumbled, "I'm gonna call you Lexi, okay, princess? Are you dating somebody?" Alex blushed and rolled his eyes.

He helped Thomas out of bed and brought him into a separate room to get him back in his other clothes. While he was helping him change he placed kisses along his face every once in awhile.

"You never answered."
"Are you dating somebody?"
"Mhmm. I am. It's you."
"Woah! What? No way you're... "

Alexander raised an eyebrow, expecting a compliment. Thomas giggled and placed one hand on his head.

"You're short though!" He laughed, measuring Alexander's head up to his chest. "Like, dwarf short! You're a pixie, Lexi!" Alexander huffed and helped button Thomas's shirt.

"I am not that short I'm 5'9. That's the normal height for a male my age." He argued. Instead of helping Thomas into his sweater, Alexander put it on instead, pleased at how large it was on him. Thomas giggled and shook his head.

"Alright, Lexi. You win this time." Thomas sighed, moving a lock of hair and kissing him on the head.

At some point on the car ride home, Thomas fell asleep chewing on his a strand of his hair. Alexander had to go through the immense pain of carrying him inside to his apartment and tucking him into bed.

Thomas was much larger than him but surprisingly light, so the pain wasn't super unbearable. Still a lot of work though. Alex laid next to him and sighed, holding his unconscious boyfriend close and taking the position as big spoon.

"Love you, Thomas~" Alexander whispered, placing one last kiss on his boyfriend's head before falling asleep beside him.

"Thomas!" Alexander called, his eyes filling with tears. "Somebody got him out, right?! They got him out right!" Smoke rose from the house, or at least what was left of it. There were two firetrucks and a large crowd of people.

Survivors being carried out to ambulances and yet no sign of his lover anywhere. "THOMAS!" He screamed, his lungs becoming tight. Everything was going a million miles as the smoke filled his lungs and choked him.

He shoved his way through the crowd and made it to the front, gasping and falling to his knees at the ashes of what used to be his home. Thomas's home. Their home.

"WHERE IS HE?!" He screamed, hugging himself. Everything seemed to disappear within an instant. Noise, surroundings, people, sirens, and ashes were all gone and Alexander let out a broken sob. He whispered, "T-Tommy?"

Alex sat straight up in bed, his face covered in sweat. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his eyes immediately darted to Thomas. His dear, beautiful, loving Thomas. Thomas, almost sensing Alexander's fear, opened his eyes a bit and glanced up at him.

He slowly rose up from the bed and took Hamilton's hands in his. No words were exchanged as Thomas began placing kisses along his wrists and hands. He made sure to kiss every knuckle and every faded scar on Alexander's wrists.

Thomas saw the faded, smudged marker from the previous day and the memories began flowing into his brain. It was slow and took a minute or so for him to fully remember what had happened and what was going on now.

Thomas tilted Alexander's head up and kissed him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Alexander sobbed and clung to him, his nails digging into his arms. "I love you," Alexander sobbed.

Thomas nodded and whispered, "I know, Lexi. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm not leaving your side any time soon."

Alexander nodded and let out another sob. Thomas pulled him into his lap and cradled him, leaving kisses all over his face.

"I'm here. Now and forever. I will always be here by your side until you don't need me anymore. When the time comes that you don't need or like me then I will leave. But, until then, I will stay here for you and everything you love." Thomas whispered, holding Alexander's face in his hands.

Alex nodded and kissed Thomas. He mumbled, "Don't leave me... Don't get hurt... Don't get killed... I love you too much to let you go..." Thomas smiled and kissed Alexander's forehead.

"I can't lose you too, Tommy." Alexander whispered, his voice shaking with sobbing. Thomas whispered back, "You wont. I'm always here, Lexi."

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