Still weird just blonde.

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<Niall's POV>

"Yes mom I already got here... yes I you too..bye..bye..mum bye" I hung up on my mom I've walked three years to school AND still calls me if I know where the school was, silly. Just.. No.

I walked down the path to get to the front school doors, they were full with people coming in and some out to chat with their friends  that just got here, I pass through the doors leaving some whispers behind me, probably thinking I'm new. Always invisible, thanks to him.

"Hey is that...Neil?" Niall. yes people know about just pretend not to, it doesn't bother me or at least not anymore.

As I got to my locker I heard running steps coming I decided to ignore them, not for me anyways. 

"KAZAAM!! you mother fucker!" Shit I dropped my books thanks to a husky voice screaming directly in my ear.

"Nice way to make me pee my pants, Harold" I growl rubbing my ear and helping him picking up my books from the floor

"Harold is only use in extreme cases, this was just a joke" Harry  sassed

"My ear says other wise" I rolled my eyes

"Anyway my friend, what's all with that yellow color in your hair" Harry said as he signal my head

"It's called blonde and my mom decided it was a good idea to finally make my wish come true" I smile happily closing my eyes along with it

"I thought you're wish was too-" I placed my hand  covering his mouth

"Stop. I know what my wish is but no." he nodded

"Anyway so are you gonna...change?" he asked saddly

"No! I'm still me just blonde" I winkeds at him

That's when I saw him.


"Let's go Haz, don't want to get late" Harry noticed why my sudden mood change and left trailing behind me

Only one more year.

Only one more.

One more.



Well hope you like it, leave your comments, ! and tell me your ideas or predictions of this story bye

~Sam is out lateh! haha

It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora