Old me.

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<Niall's POV>

"Look at yourself, you've change a lot." My mom said as she looked at a picture from my first year of higschool 

"I know" I whispered

"You look so handsome son, you always had" my mom placed a hand on my shoulder

"Thanks, but I look better now" I turn to face her

"Well, get ready we are going to buy groceries, and school supplies" my mom said as she left closing the door behind her

I let out a deep breath.

I got a white polo shirt, jeans, and my white supras, I fixed my hair in a quiff, and streched a little, today was going to be a busy day, since tomorrow I'm going to school, new year, the last one, thankfully.

"Niall! lets go!" my mom yelled from downsatirs

"Coming!" I yelled back

I grabbed my phone, wallet and walked out the door.

"Ready?" Mom asked as I reach the last staircase 

I simply nodded.

"Well lets not waste any time" she smile brightly and we walked out of the house and hopped in the car

"So Niall-" mom started as she turn on the car  "- what are you planning on doing tomorrow?"

I shrugged.

"Maybe hang out with Harry not sure" I said unsure

"Well I was thinking, maybe we could... take you out to bleach your hair, but since you are not sure we can go today" she said turning to me

"Yes! I like that!" I gave her a wide smile

"Well I'm guessing you're going for blonde?" she grinned

"You know it" I winked

We'll now I'm a new me at least phisiclly but I've change my personality a little like stronger,

Bye kid with braces.

Bye brunnete kid.

Bye weak kid.

Bye short kid.

Bye shy boy.

Bye loser. 

Bye old me.

It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora