Fight with the Heart.

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<<Niall's POV>>

Favorite time od the day! LUNCH besides the end, well yes!, I waited for Harry at his locker (next to mine) , he got here with a bright wide smile. Like always.

"Took you long enough" I said crossing my arms leaning against my locker

"The bell just rung" he said, and its true but that's no excuse

"Excuses, hurry up" I said

"Chill, geez" he rolled his eyes, he closed his locker and we started walking towards the cafeteria, Harry winking at some pretty girls, and girl winking back typical Harold

As we entere through the cafeteria doors, a nice smell of hotdogs filled the room, it usually smells really bad like old lady probably changed the lucnh lady.

"I'm STARVING!!" I yelled

"When are you not?" I laugh

"Right" I said giving him a wink

After graving our lunch we  went to sit down at a table were Liam, Perrie and Cher sat.

"Hi guys" I smiled at them

"Niall is that you?" Char asked while Perrie looked shocked

"Yes Cher it's me like my new hair?" I asked

"Totally!" She said Perrie nodding along with her

"You look hot if I say so myself" Perrie smiled 

"Well thaks, what do you think Li?" I turned to Liam who just looked at me carefully

"One word. HOT." he laughed and evrybody did the same

"Guys look here comes the gang" Harry smirked

And here we go again, the same bitches from today but now wit Taylor Swift and Josh Devine

"I hate them, today Calder made me trip with her ugly boots" Perrie said uoset with a face of disgust and hate

"Somebody needs to teach them that black doesn't make them look scary" Liam said and Cher agreed

"Swift thinks she is so pretty, she is a little bitch" Cher cursed

"They aren't even that popular not like Nick Halton, the cutest, richest guy in town" I said

"I know but well" We all sighed 

"Don't say something that can attack us later they're coming" Liam whispered, and we pretended to eat, well except me, I did eat;)

"Look at blondie, she thinks she is so pretty" I heard Calder say, I just ignored it because I know Pez and she doesn't have a nice temper if I say

"I know" Swift answer 

'Just leave already!' I mentally complained

"Pez calm down" I heard Cher say, as she patted Perrie's back

"I'm calm" she said in a fake happy tone

"Have you've seen Lloyd, she is a slut" Swift 'whispered'

"Oh that's it!" Cher whispered and stood up walked towards Taylor and slapped her pale face, OUCH!

"You bitch!" Taylor yelled touching her burning cheek

"Oh you will regret what you did" Eleanor said and threw her fist towards Cher's cheek but somwthing stopped her, or someone, none other than Perrie Edwards, holding  Eleanor's fist with her hand

"I don't think that's a good idea" Perrie growled

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" Perrie said sarcasticcly back

"Too bad I don't care, whore" Eleanor said

"What did you called me?" Perrie stood shocked now

"WHO-RE!" Eleanor emphazised the word

"Oh it's on!" Perrie threw her fist towards Calder as Cher did to Swift

"NO." somebody growled and grabbed Pez and Cher's hand

Harry, Liam, and me quickly stood up and , placed ourselves in front of Perrie and Cher, making the other guys release their hands

"Don't touch them" Liam said in a low voice, that means his mad, and why wouldn't he , we all were, they don't touch our girls

"Or what?" Josh challenge

"Leave them" Harry said mad

"No can do curly" Zayn smirked

"You asked for it" Harry said, about to pnch Zayn

"Harry stop." I placed an arm  in front of Harry holding him back

"It's no worth it" I kept my face serious

He wasn'y saying anything just stareing.

"I think the ones who started the problem was your friends here" He said pointing behiond us, were Cher and Perrie stood

"No, actually it was your fuck buddies who started, insulting our friends" Harry said poking him in the chest

"Don't touch me" he growled

"Or what pretty boy" 'Harry stop' I mentally said he could bring problems to himself

That's when his leg connected to Harry's stomach

"Harry", I kneeled next to him since he fell to the ground

"You okay?" I asked

"Mhmm" he clucnhed his stomach as he whined

"He crossed the line" I mumbbled

"Don't understimate me curly" He said laughing at him with the others, oh I'm gonna whipe that smile of your face

I threw myself at him, my fist with his jaw, then he punched me in the stomsch, i kicked him in the shin

"Niall stop!" I heard Harry voice siad, scared, oh no

I punched him one more time and stepped myself away from him

"Nobody, listen to me,-" I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt

"-Nobody touches my friend, specially Harry okay, touch him, you won't even have time to hide" I let him go heim falling to the ground, while Calder kneeled next to him

"Monster!" she yelled at me

"I know he is" I replied back, when I hear gasps from the whole cafeteria

"Horan" I turn only to face Mr. Scott, AKA the principal, my luck

"Yes?" I said

"Office now." I'm screwed

"Yes sir" I started walking but before I hugged Harry

"I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear and left to Mr. Scott's office

Wish me Luck.

I fought with my Heart,

For my friend.


Sorry if I didn't spell words correctly but i was in a hurry and no I have nothing against none of the people here is just a story bye:)

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