Better Together

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{Zayn's POV}

I sighed as I closed my apartment door, I leaned against it trying to calm myself down, after me and Louis fight I wasn't able to concentrate, plus Harry being in three of my classes, sitting with another lad.

I shouldn't be jealous, we aren't an item anymore, he can do whatever the fuck he was and so as I, but I couldn't bring myself to it.

Either way am dating Kimmy now, she's pretty and fit but she's clingy the kind of annoying clingy.

"Fuck." I said as I walked towards the kitchen remembering I hadn't done the grocery shopping.

I was mad and hungry, I heard the whines and all the bad possible things Kimmy and her father could do to me id I broke up with her, sure Josh knows how to advice a friend. Josh believes even if he hated saying it, that Harry and me were good for each other.

But that's a total lie, I'm a liar , Harry hates lies, I smoke, Harry hates the smell, I cheat and Harry despises cheaters, I'm an asshole who can't even get a B minus. And Harry is a fucking genius.

And now even if I do like Harry, I would never dare to break up with Kimmy, his dad would just decapitate me.

But at least Harry is happy now, better go back to school.


I walked towards my locker and for my luck Harry's was two lockers to the left, and he was there, fuck he was wearing skinny jeans, more skinnier than usual.

I got to my locker and opened it with ease, I turned to see Harry and he was facing directly to his locker grabbing one of his books.

I wanted to see his smile and at least try to be friends but when he turned to look at me a cold expression was on his face, it actually scared me, he slammed his locker shut and left.

I sighed and pressed my forehead to my lockers door.


"Hey" I said smiling nervously to Harry who sat at my left.

Harry made a small gesture with his fingers and kept writing.

"Hey Harry loo-" I started but a brunette lad came in and stood in front of Harry.

"Hey Haz, I wanted to know if you could tutor me today? my parents aren't going to be there and they move my exam for friday" the guys smirked.

I felt a pang of jealousy strike my body as the boy practically announced Harry he wanted to fuck him after school, in front of him.

"Sounds good" Harry winked and the boy bit his lip and left.

"Who is that?" I couldn't stop himself for asking.

"A friend" Harry said coldly.

"Seems like your friend is a bit more friendly than friend are" I said biting my tongue so I don't start yelling at him nonsense.

"What is it to you anyway?" Harry snapped.

I just huffed angrily and turned to look at the board.

Twenty minutes had passed and he couldn't concentrate, Harry was biting his pen and licking his lips constantly, it's worse then when he started liking him and he couldn't do anything.

The bell rang and everybody jumped off their seats including Harry, I wanted to reach for his hand so badly but didn't.

I just carried on my own way.


I needed to pee and badly, fucking english teacher didn't let me, but the closest bathroom weren't functioning, ah fuck it, I'm about to explode, I ran to them and heard a moan? A familiar one.

I opened the door slowly and he saw a familiar sight of curls, Harry, he was kissing the neck from the brunette that talked to Harry earlier.

I was mad, my blood and heartbeat started speeding up.

"Styles" they both quickly turned around and the brunettes face turned red in embarrassment.

"What?" Harry spat.

Before he could answer the brunette ran out of the bathroom.

"What the fuck is your problem Malik?!" Harry shouted.

"Having sex on school is against the rules" I said.

"When did you became a little angel, father in law ready getting to you" Harry said cockily.

"Very funny" I glared at him and then I saw that Harry's face was turning red and that meant he was angry.

All of the sudden his back was hurting, Harry had launched at him and pressed him against the wall.

"Shit Harry" I groaned.

"You go and fuck Kimmy and then you come and tell me its inappropriate, pathetic." Harry grinned and it scared me the hell out to be honest.

"You have no idea how much it hurts me.." Harry started kissing my neck and I closed my eyes missing the feeling.

" see you with her, even for a minute" Harry mumbled and he bit my earlobe, I moaned.

Harry took a step back and I unconsciously whined in protest.

"But I can't have you anymore, and to be honest with you, you are all I ever wanted" Harry finished and fixed himself.

"We were better together" with that Harry left, leaving me with a semi hard on, I sighed and closed my eyes trying to keep the feeling of Harry's lips pressed against his neck.

Hellooo, it wasn't the longest chapter, I hope you guys like it.

So I'm sad about Zayn's sudden exit but I support him because it will be a new beginning, and well it doesn't matter, Zayn will appear in any of the stories that I write because he is still Zayn.


This story is almost coming to an end.

Comment which bromance you want me to write in the next chapter.

Love you all


It takes more than an Apology (Nouis Horamlinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora