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Letter 2

Dear blondie,

So now this rose is white, the store was out of red:,( sorry but anyway, this rose means happines to me, hope you like it

~Secret Admirer xx

Letter 3

I saw you in the park today, you look amazing when you read under a tree

~Your secret lover xx

Letter 4

I really want to talk to you but i just don't know how:(

~your lover x

Letter 5 - 13

Iwant to meet you, lest see each other out in the bleachers after school on friday, when there's no trainings of any sport please, see ya

~ your soon revealed admired xxx

Letter 14

What about we meet at starbucks since in school wasnt realky of your liking please, later

~ your secret friend;) xxxx

Well, niall was quite in a pickle oh but his decition was the wordt of all...

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